Sunday, January 14, 1979

Recently released dissident says opposition in USSR is growing

Helsinki commission releases hearing transcript

Ukrainians, Jews picket Soviets at Spectrum

Svitlychna, Grigorenko express grief over death of Snehiriov, believe he was killed by secret police

Receive more information on trial of Marynovych, Matusevych

Yuriy Dziuba again seeks emigration from Soviet Union

Hundreds attend funeral of Andriy Z. Mycio

Dubno appointed commissioner

Philadelphians mark Day of Solidarity

Another Kremlin falsification

News quiz

Memorandum No. 2 - The Soviet empire
Following is the text of Memorandum No. 2 of the Ukrainian Public Group to Promote the Implementation of the Helsinki Accords, which up to now has not been published in the Ukrainian press in the West. The document was included in the third edition of the "Reports of the Helsinki Accord Monitors in the Soviet Union," released by the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe. Memorandum No. 2 is dated January 20, 1977, and was signed by Oles Berdnyk, Ivan Kandyba, Levko Lukianenko, Oksana Meshko, Mykola Rudenko, Nina-Strokata-Karavanska and Oleksiy Tykhy. Documents in the commission's reports were edited and prepared by the staff of the commission with the cooperation of Khronika Press, ELTA News Service, the Committee for the Defense of Soviet Political Prisoners, Radio Liberty Research and "Smoloskyp."

Sips that pass in the night
by Roman J. Lysniak

Spotlight on the UNA
Insurance - an instant estate
Organizing Department

Eye on books
by Dr. Aleksander Sokolyszyn
"The American Image of Russia, 1917-1977," edited with an introduction and comments by Benson L. Grayson. New York, F. Ungar Publishing Co., c1978. 388 pp illustrated. 21 sm. Includes bibliographical references and index.

UABA to hold mid-year conference

New Yorkers plan independence program

L.A. to mark Ukraine's independence

Plan exhibit of "samvydav" at New York Museum

Clevelanders to hold January 22 program

Doctor's office ransacked

News analysis
Human, national rights and the decolonization of USSR
by Borys Potapenko
"Visti" World News Service

CIUS lectures in 1979

1979 HURI summer courses

Yonkers youth selected to New York all-star soccer team

Promoted to assistant professor

Babak, Plishka, Hrynkiv applauded for D.C. concert

Renata Babak sings anthem at D.C. basketball game

To honor Dr. Palidwor

Community newsbriefs

Youths carol at UNA



Social security notes

Ukrainian military leaders during the War of Liberation
This unit made history on April 29, 1918

UNWLA Branch 83 to hold "yalynka"

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, January 14, 1979, No. 10, Vol. LXXXVI

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