Sunday, January 28, 1979

U.S. lawmakers cite January 22 dates at D.C. reception
Story and photos by Ihor Dlaboha

N.J. Ukrainians celebrate independence with three-part program at State Capitol
Story and photos by Ihor Dlaboha

Schreyer inaugurated as Canada's 22nd governor general

Olha Heyko receives KGB "warning"

Matusevych not allowed to see relatives

Lukianenko visited in prison by wife

UABA members briefed at White House

Philly Board of Ed to publish study guide on Ukraine

Release first volume of works of Bohdan Krawciw

Political, economic institute to be held at Georgetown U.

UCCA sponsors Independence Day fete in New York's UIA

Cleveland youths hold solidarity vigil

Grasso signs Independence Day proclamation

Nadia Svitlychna joins N.Y. "plastuny" in solidarity program

N.Y. Ukrainians attend City Hall Independence Day ceremony

Ukrainian flag raised in Maplewood, N.J.

Ukrainians commemorate Independence Day

Astoria, N.Y.
Bayonne, N.J.
Syracuse, N.Y.
Oyster Bay, N.Y.
Ottawa Holds Ukrainian Week

A foundation to build upon

News quiz

Still more on estate planning
Organizing Department

"Honor the valiant people of Ukraine"
Below is the text of the Ukrainian Independence Day statement read by Rep. Barbara Mikulski (D. Md.) which she red on the floor of the House of Representatives on Monday, January 22.

Grigorenko was Soviet, not Russian general
In response to an article on Gen. Petro Grigorenko's appearance at the U.S. Military Academy which appeared in the December 28, 1978, edition of The Evening News of Newburgh, N.Y., Dr. Walter Dushnyck, editor of The Ukrainian Quarterly, sent a letter to the paper's editor correcting its statement that the general is a Russian. Gen. Grigorenko addressed cadets at West Point on December 19, 1978. Dr Dushnyck was his translator. His letter was published in the January 9 edition of The Evening News. Below is the text of the letter.

Ukrainian spirit is "indomitable"
Below is the full text of Dr. Martin Abend's commentary on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of Ukrainian independence, which he delivered in the course of WNEW-TV's evening news program Sunday, January 21.

Tax tips
Tax benefits for older Americans

Social security notes

Washington's January 22 observances

Ukrainian Independence Day in Essex County
Photos by Zenon Snylyk

SUSTA seeks material for newsletter

Museum receives $12,500 from N.Y.S. arts council

St. George plans children's ball

Philly UAVets install new officers

Ski touring: a different ski experience

Moroz committee's billboard can still be seen in Philly

Adelaide U. holds second summer Ukrainian course

Young UNA'ers

Ukrainian ports
In ancient times, the Black Sea was known as the

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, January 28, 1979, No. 21, Vol. LXXXVI

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