Sunday, February 4, 1979

$20,000 needed to reach goal of Ukrainian National Fund

Moscow continues to harass former soldier of the UPA

Albany is site of fourth Ukrainian Independence Day program

Symchych seeks help for mother from United Nations

Munich Ukrainians demonstrate solidarity with political prisoners in USSR

Ukrainian Independence Day reception on Capitol Hill
Below is the list of senators and representatives who attended the Ukrainian Independence Day reception on Capitol Hill, Wednesday, January 24.

L.A. Ukrainians mark January 22

Philadelphia mayor signs Independence Day proclamation

Mykola Plawiuk, Ivan Bazarko received Ukrainian of the Year awards in Philadelphia

Korney gets three appointments

CN Committee protests airing of "Unknown War"

Dr. Stercho profiled in Philly daily

Hnat Povoroznyk, Canadian community leader, dies

Bishop Losten reminds faithful about Patriarch Josyf's birthday

New Yorkers celebrate Dr. Palidwor's 85th birthday

Philadelphia Bulletin features Nadia Svitlychna
The article below about Nadia Svitlychna was written by Paula Herbut and appeared in the January 23 edition of the Philadelphia Bulletin. The interview was arranged by the Philadelphia-based Human Rights of Ukraine - Moroz Committee. Orysia Hewka of the committee served as translator for Ms. Svitlychna.

Svitlychna honored by City of Philadelphia

$2.3 million in grants awarded for ethnic studies

UABA selects official logo

N.J. Ukrainians seek to correct factual misrepresentation
Below is the text of an article written by George Wirt about attempts by New Jersey Ukrainians to correct factual misrepresentations which exists in some books used by schools in the state. The article appeared in the January 21 edition of The Sunday Star-Ledger of Newark, N.J. The following day, the N.J. Senate approved a Ukrainian Independence Day resolution, which included among its paragraphs a provision which requests the governor "to direct the Department of Education to review the curriculum, textbooks and programs used within the various school districts as they relate to the study of the Soviet Union and Ukrainian and other captive nations."

Castellanos: books with bias cannot be easily removed

Manor's court reporting course is rewarding


Moroz's impending release
Discriminatory books are local matters

"Tribute to those working to attain their just goals"
The following is the text of the Ukrainian Independence Day statement delivered in the House of Representatives by Rep. Benjamin Gilman (R-N.Y.), on January 22.

The Rev. Dudiak appointed prefect of students at St. Basil's

Maria Sochan receives $100 Revutsky scholarship

Portland Ukrainians prepare for festival

UMI to hold semiannual recital

Historical documents displayed at UIA

Form Council on Aging in L.A.

To hold panel on rights in Philly

Social security notes

Ukrainians commemorate Independence Day

Omaha, Neb.
Binghamton, N.Y.
Long Island
Elmira, N.Y.
Youngstown, Ohio
Ambridge, Pa.

Sen. Gurzenda gets award for human rights actions

Plan 14th UNA bowling tourney

Natalya Chudy to sing at Carnegie Hall February 25

Rudnytsky praised for Florida concert

Six Ukrainians play on 1979 Rutgers U. volleyball team

Hnizdovsky's works displayed at New York gallery

Performing arts: demanding, but rewarding, say Plishkas
The article below was written by Vera C. Stek, editor of the Today's Living section if The News Tribune of New Jersey. It appeared in the January 22 edition of the newspaper.

Australian youth hopes to expand capabilities of bandura



Na robotu
[Published in Ukrainian]

The mouse family
by Lidia Ivaniv
Illustrations by Yuriy Kozak

by Roman Zavadovych
Illustration by Yuriy Kozak

Race with the clock
by Roman Zavadovych
Illustrations by Yuriy Kozak

The Kozak organization
A Kozak center

Bohuta The Hero
Story: Roman Zawadowycz
Illustrations: Petro Cholodny

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, February 4, 1979, No. 27, Vol. LXXXVI

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