Sunday, February 25, 1979

Gen. Pavlo Shandruk dies, was commander of Ukrainian army

U.S. publishers seek clemency for Rudenko

Communists destroy churches in Ukraine, worker gets fired for not working on Easter

Vins transferred to Lefortovo Prison

"Why don't you come into this church?"
Below is an appeal to atheists written by Lev Lukianenko during the Christmas of 1977.

Two women tell of repression in Soviet prison camps
The news story below was written by Olga Molina. It appeared in the February 21 edition of the News World

Babak praised for Providence concert

Soviets attempt to collect estate of living person
The article below is reprinted from the Ukrainian Echo's February 7 edition.

The Canadian connection
Lawyer charges "rake-off"
Windfall for Soviets
Parcels rejected

Ottawa University expands Ukrainian studies
by J. Pinczuk

Roman Tatarsky elected chairman of UNA Detroit District Committee

Librarian wins apology from publication for slanted review of "Displaced Person"

1979 - Year of the Ukrainian Child - An analysis
Ukrainian child to be focus of special programs in New York
by Roman A. Juzeniw

Free University, Rockland Community College sponsor three-week course

Ukrainian books available at SHU library

Bostonians mark Ukraine's "61st"


We owe them our best
A reminder of publishing rights

About whole life insurance

N.J. study endorses ethnic heritage center

Book review
Publication analyzes self-determination
by Borys Potapenko
"Visti" World News Service

by Marion Kushnir Burbella

Dissident material displayed at the museum in New York

Possession of "samvydav" can be dangerous
Below is the text of an article about The Ukrainian Museum's exhibit of "samvydav" material. The article, written by George Wirt, appeared in the February 18 edition of The Sunday Star-Ledger.

Debutantes 1979

New York Physicians-Engineers
Detroit Engineers
Newark Plast

Detroit band hopes to rise in popularity

Weaver hopes to preserve heritage
The article below about Ukrainian weaver Carol Romanyk was written by Dot From. It appeared in the Crafts column of The Winnipeg Tribune on January 27.

Connecticut Ukrainian holds "pysanky" decorating classes

Kupchak key to NBA Bullets' title quest
by Ihor N. Stelmach

New York, New York - a cultural roundup
by Helen Perozak Smindak


Ancient wooden churches to be featured in N.Y. exhibit
by Anisa H. Sawyckyj

Korduba cited by U.N. association

Pope condemns social injustice

Virko Baley to appear at Ukrainian Institute in N.Y.

Appointed ass't dean

Regional Groups in Ukraine
Collectively they known as:

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, February 25, 1979, No. 43, Vol. LXXXVI

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