Sunday, March 11, 1979

Four dissidents announce creation of Ukrainian spiritual republic

UNA Canadian officers meet

President Carter greets UNA on 85th anniversary

80-year-old ex-political prisoner fears starvation, seeks emigration

Denver group honors Rebryk

Prof. Rudnyckyj tours New Guinea

Yuzyk calls for "loud diplomacy" in dealing with USSR

President Carter urges nation to maintain strong military, economic, political postures

Over 2,400 scientists to limit contacts with Soviet Union

1979 - Year of the Ukrainian Child - An analysis
Annual Plast masquerade - A children's delight
Story and photos by Roman A. Juzeniw

Philly daily features disco owner who is human rights activist

Columnist says unity of Soviet Union is threatened

Svitlychna to speak at Shevchenko concert in Chicago, Ill.

New program evolved at HURI summer institute

HURI Summer Institute hopes to attract "serious student"

Pysanka exhibit at Manor Junior College


Well said, senator
Fitting tribute to our bard

News quiz

About limited payment life insurance
Part II

More troubles
by Roman J. Lysniak

Why the Soviet Union will not invade China
by Dr. Konstantyn Sawczuk

Soviet emigration record is dismally poor
The following commentary on Soviet compliance with the Helsinki Accords was written by Rep. Dante B. Fascell. It appeared in the February 23 edition of The Christian Science Monitor. Rep. Fascell is chairman of the Congressional Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, which monitors international compliance with the Helsinki Accords.

Letter to the editor
Sickened by misrepresentation in books

To the delight of children

KLK wins North American ski championships

Starting own business to be topic of Manor seminar

Philadelphians raise money for UFU Foundation

Hold heritage ball in New Jersey

Basilian nuns sponsor lectures on patron

"Khrestonostsi" announce basketball tourney

Mykola Michnowsky and Dmytro Dontsov - Spokesmen for two concepts of Ukrainian nationalism
The essay below was written by the late Dr. Michael Sosnowsky, associate editor of Svoboda. It was translated from the original Ukrainian by Anisa H. Sawyckyj.

Panorama of Ukrainian Culture in the Big Apple
by Helen Perozak Smindak


New Yorkers to honor Shevchenko

The Rev. Mark M. Dyrda dies in Washington, D.C.

First of "Ukrainica Australiana" issued

St. George CWV to hold 34th communion brunch

An "unforgettable" lecture at CCSC
by Nancy-Jeanne Murphy

N.Y. bandura group releases catalogue

Wrong date

Honored by National Football Foundation

Lydia Artymiw called "master musician" by reviewer

New UNA'ers

Ukrainian newspapers during the War of Liberation (1917-20)
He was editor of "Robitnycha Hazeta":

UCCA Washington news

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, March 11, 1979, No. 55, Vol. LXXXVI

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