Sunday, May 13, 1979

Moroz named visiting scholar at Harvard University
Greeted at airport by Boston Ukrainians, Cambridge proclaims May 9 "Moroz Day"

Story and photos by Ihor Dlaboha

Moroz's remarks get wide coverage in U.S. newspapers

The New York Times
The article below appeared on page one of the Tuesday, May 1 edition of The New York Times. It was written by Selwyn Raab, who attended the Monday, April 30, press conference at the UNA building. (Copyright 1979 by The New York Times Co. Reprinted by permission.)

Chicago Tribune
The article below was written by Carol Oppenheim, who interviewed Valentyn Moroz at the UNA building on Wednesday, May 2. Her story and the accompanying sidebar summarizing Ukrainian history appeared in the Sunday, May 6, edition of the Chicago Tribune. (Reprinted courtesy of the Chicago Tribune)

Jersey Journal
The article below by Robert Larkins appeared in the Thursday, May 3, edition of the Jersey Journal. Mr. Larkins interviewed Valentyn Moroz on Wednesday, May 2, at the UNA building. (Reprinted by permission)

The Washington Post
The article below was written by Lee Lescaze of The Washington Post. It appeared in that newspaper's Saturday, May 5, edition. Mr. Lescaze interviewed Valentyn Moroz on Wednesday, May 2, at the UNA building. (Reprinted by permission of The Washington Post)

University atmosphere makes Moroz "fell at home"
Pledges to continue efforts to liberate Ukrainian scholarship

Moroz calls for coordinated actions in defense of Ukrainian political prisoners

Moroz meets UCCA officers

UCCA assumes care of Moroz

Moroz thanks White House for its role in release
Below are the texts of the telegrams Valentyn Moroz sent to President Jimmy Carter, National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski and Secretary of State Cyrus Vance. The letter sent to Dr. Brzezinski is identical to the one sent to Secretary Vance.

Moroz greets patriarch Josyf
Below is the text of the telegram sent by Valentyn Moroz to Patriarch Josyf Cardinal Slipyj.

UCCA thanks government for release of Moroz, Vins
Below are the letters of thanks sent by UCCA President Dr. Lev E. Dobriansky to President Jimmy Carter and Secretary of State Vance.

Patriarch thanks Carter, greets Moroz and Vins

Trenton Youth thank Carter, Brzezinski for Moroz

Pastor Vins says protests in West are important to political prisoners

Ukrainians greet Ginzburg with flowers in Tarrytown, N.Y.

1979 - Year of the Ukrainian Child - An analysis
Isn't is time to do a good deed for the Ukrainian child?
by Roman A. Juzeniw

UCCA mourns death of Julian Revay
Below is UCCA President Lev Dobriansky's message concerning the death of Julian Revay. It is dated May 1.

Grigorenko, Svitlychna, Moroz call for release of Tykhy

Lithuanian Helsinki monitor dies

Say pope challenged authority of Kremlin with letter to Patriarch


A thank you to mothers
Forgotten rights

News quiz

Letter to the Editors
Complains about poor coverage

Art review
Mazuryk's paintings have something to say to each of us
by Ulana Hanuszczak

Autobiography of Valentyn Moroz
Valentyn Moroz

by Marion Kushnir Burbella

Conference V - May 20-25
Ukrainian memberships

Presentation of Ukrainian folk music to be held in New York

Panorama of Ukrainian Culture in the Big Apple
by Helen Perozak Smindak

Spring calendar addendum
Terpsichorean twirl
Young musicians' concert
From New York, with love
On the Village green
Hnizdovsky works on display

The background

Moroz meets with Miami Ukrainians

Nackoney gets Penn Relay award

Chomko seeks county coroner seat

Palatine Ukrainians Stage song and dance festival

Troy group to sponsor song, dance program in Cohoes
by Alla Heretz

"Tryzub" to hold 3rd golf tourney

Ukrainian art museum in Chicago is "rewarding experience"
The article below appeared in the Sunday, April 22, edition of the Chicago Sun-Times. It was written by architecture reporter Christian K. Laine.

Archdiocesan Catechetical Commission establishes goals and structure

Ottawa students hold cultural exhibit

Hold traditional Easter dinner in Florida

Penn State students participate in Slavic festival


Black Sea Sharks


Kazka pro hrybka zhovtu shapochku
by Halia Matushevska
(Illustration by Yurij Matushevsky)
[Published in Ukrainian]

Two billy-goats and two nanny-goats
by Mykhaylo Kotsiubynsky
Illustration by O. Kulchytska

Poem to "The Rainbow" page
by Lola Goin

Things associated with a prominent Ukrainian dissident
The dissident's birthplace:

Bohuta The Hero
Story: Roman Zawadowycz
Illustrations: Petro Cholodny

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, May 13, 1979, No. 106, Vol. LXXXVI

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