Sunday, May 20, 1979

Moroz urges youths to continue battle for independence of Ukraine
Thousands cheer Moroz during rainy demonstration in New York

UNA Supreme Assembly holds annual meeting

Barladianu was threatened with psychiatric incarceration

Yuriy Badzia arrested in Kiev

AI fears for health of Plakhotniuk, Gluzman

Morris County UCCA sponsors reception for Moroz May 25

Bishop Losten thanks president, Brzezinski for Moroz's release

Moroz to get honorary doctorate from Jersey City State College

Ginzburg says Tykhy is "in extremely bad health"

Georgi Vins applies for political asylum in United States

N.Y. Self Reliance allocates $2,250 for Moroz

Canadian immigration minister greets Moroz

UNA district committees meet

Anthracite Region District, Pa.
Rochester, N.Y.

Canadian UVAN marks 30th anniversary

Iwan Wowchuk dies at 79, was noted community leader

Mykola Nedilko dies, was outstanding Ukrainian artist

Mayor Koch: New York is ready to help ethnic groups
by Helen Perozak Smindak

Delaware County TUSM branch fights for Yuriy Shukhevych

Myron Kulas sworn in as state legislator

Moroz to tour Canada June 7-12

Plast's "Sviato Yuriya" to be held May 26-27


The inheritance of young Ukrainians
A step in the right direction

News quiz

A new source for Ukrainian studies
by Edward Kasinec

Cafik extends welcome to Moroz, looks forward to meeting him

Moroz details prison life for Toronto Star
The article below appeared in the Sunday, May 6, edition of the Toronto Star. It was written by Richard Friedman, who interviewed Valentyn Moroz at the UNA building on Tuesday, May 3. (Reprinted by permission of the Toronto Star)

First hunger strike
Special methods
World-wide protests

Moroz: Canadian link

Thousands cheer Moroz in New York City

Ukrainian Americans welcome release of Moroz

The article below by Edward Colimore appeared in the Monday, April 30, edition of The News American of Baltimore, Md.

Binghamton, N.Y.
The article below was written by Beth Adelman. It appeared in the Monday, April 30, edition of Sun-Bulletin of Binghamton, N.Y.

Bahautdin's works displayed at Manor

UAVets to hold 32nd convention

Religious festivities to mark 16th centenary of St. Basil

Seventh UNA golf tourney to be held June 24

Dr. Hordynsky honored by clinical chemists

Michael Ewanchuk to receive honorary degree from Winnipeg U.

20,000 books are stored in Surmach's barn
The following article about Myron Surmach was written by Frederick Croll. It appeared in the March 1979 edition of the American Collector, which is published in Reno, Nev.

Dr. Bej nominated for membership in science society

Floods hurt Ukrainian farmers in Manitoba

A guide to Little Ukraine in New York

Melanie to headline Ukrainian Festival in Garden State

Social security notes

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, May 20, 1979, No. 112, Vol. LXXXVI

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