Sunday, June 24, 1979

Georgi Vins reunited with family at Middlebury College
by Ihor Dlaboha

Thousands across Canada cheer Moroz
Former Ukrainian political prisoner tells countrymen to unite for Ukraine's independence

Red Chinese show that Ukraine was annexed by Russia, not reunited

Orthodox churches remain closed

Pentecostals leader attacked by Soviet press

Officials in Ukraine are under fire

Secrecy veils Vins family's first hours in United States
- Ihor Dlaboha

Soviet citizenship law causes concern for Americans from Eastern Europe

"Slovo" thanks P.E.N. for naming Sverstiuk, Osadchy as members

"Slovo" asks Carter to intercede for Rudenko

Philadelphia UNA'ers start intensive membership drive

Detroit UNA'ers hold quarterly meeting

Hetmansky elected chairman of Boston UNA District

CIUS publishes bilingual collection of Ukrainian "dumy"

Expansion is among the future plans of Manor Junior College

Dissidents warn U.S. on SALT

1979 - Year of the Ukrainian Child - An analysis
Ukrainians commemorate Year of Child
by Roman A. Juzeniw


No basis for trust
In defiance of world opinion

Eye on books
by Dr. Aleksander Sokolyszyn
"Wooden Architecture of the Ukrainian Carpathians," edited by John Hvozda, The Lemko Research Foundation, Inc., New York, 1978.

Amnesty International condemns treatment of Helsinki monitors

New York CN group plans daylong program

Senior Citizens Corner
by Marion Kushnir Burbella

New cure
by Roman J. Lysniak

Hanusey honored by Philadelphia Ukrainians

Panorama of Ukrainian Culture in the Big Apple
by Helen Perozak Smindak

The Little Ukrainian community
Ceramics on Second Avenue
Walking tour
Kulyk wins praise
"Ukraine is not Russia"
Artymiw at Avery Fisher Hall
Weekend events

Elizabeth Ukrainians to participate in festival

Trenton's community takes part in heritage days festival
Story and photos by Roman A. Juzeniw

Trenton Ukrainians: forever golden, forever blue
by Orest P. Kopanycia

Plan Statue of Liberty CN Week program

Abend to teach course on Croatia at JCSC

Canadian family produces trilingual puppet show

Ukrainian Free University Foundation announces scholarships

Bohdanna Czartorysky dies

Pope tells Soviet Union to respect religious freedom

Inducted into Honor Society

Passes N.Y. pharmacy exam

Wytwycky receives Ph.D. in philosophy
by Jarema Shevchenko

Marunchak heads Shashkevych Centre

Five Detroit students get UNA awards

Manor offers new career opportunities for secretaries

Dearborn dancers get award

Philly vets present citizenship awards


Den Nezalezhnosty - Independence Day


Kazka pro hrybka zhovtu shapochku
by Halia Matushevska
(Illustration by Yurij Matushevsky)
[Published in Ukrainian]

The Black Sea

Mountains of Ukraine
Popular mountain resort in Ukraine

Bohuta The Hero
Story: Roman Zawadowycz
Illustrations: Petro Cholodny

La Salle club presents fashion show


Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, June 24, 1979, No. 141, Vol. LXXXVI

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