Sunday, August 19, 1979

Three Ukrainian Helsinki group members arrested

John Diefenbaker, noted supporter of Ukrainian causes, dies at 83
Served as Canadian prime minister in 1957-63

Annual Barnesville festival marks UNA "85th"

Renouncement of Soviet citizenship is sign of schizophrenia, according to Soviet psychiatrists

"No authority has the right to stifle human thinking," wrote Kyrychenko to Brezhnev

Close Ukrainian school in Kiev

Press resolution on religious persecution in Ukraine

Lemko federation holds congress, re-elects Dr. John Hvozda

Credit unions hold conference
by A.J. Serafyn

American authors protest suppression of Soviet writers

Gen. M. Krat dies in Detroit

CN Week observed at Statue of Liberty

Harvard announces program of Ukrainian studies for new year

Eight-month program offered at Manor


Onslaught continues
Undeserved silence

Prof. Rudnyckyj airs view on new Canadian Constitution

Letter to the Editors
Lack of reporting on Ivasiuk's death decried
(The letter below was written to The Winnipeg Free Press regarding the lack of reporting on Volodymyr Ivasiuk's death last May. The writer urges that other concerned Ukrainians, especially people involved in music, raise their voices in protest against both the apparent murder of Ivasiuk and the incomprehensible silence in the West. - Ed.)

Youth reader raises money for Multiple Sclerosis Society

by Roman J. Lysniak

Eye on books
by Dr. Aleksander Sokolyszyn
Guardians of Ukraine: Historical Documentary and Memoirs by Mykola P. Novak. Published by the Novak Family in Los Angeles, Cali., 1978.

Midsummer Moondance and the Pioneer
by Orest P. Kopanycia

Burdeny's pottery reflects Ukrainian heritage
(The article below, written by Dot From, appeared in the August 4 edition of The Tribune, a Winnipeg, Man., daily. Photos of Larry Burdeny and one of his artifacts were taken by Ron Dobson).

Derwinski hosts Ku Cheng-kang in D.C.

Ukrainian Villages shine at Brantford festival
by Helen Perozak Smindak

Manor to conduct orientation for persons returning to college

Dr. J.R. Malko is noted speaker on energy economics

Canon Joseph Moerman: Friend of children
by Helen S. Prociuk


John Popowich, UNA, community activist
George Koval, 67


The Kozak's underwater boats
by P. Shkurat

The titmouse and the sea
(A Ukrainian Folk Tale)
Illustration by M. Dmytrenko

[Published in Ukrainian]

The spoiled child learns

Ukrainian translators
The Ukrainian title of this work

Bohuta The Hero
Story: Roman Zawadowycz
Illustrations: Petro Cholodny

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, August 19, 1979, No. 188, Vol. LXXXVI

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