Sunday, November 18, 1979

Pope John Paul, Patriarch Josyf, Metropolitan Hermaniuk consecrate Msgr. Lubachivsky in Sistine Chapel
Ukrainian Catholic hierarchs, faithful attend historic ceremony

Statement of Pope John Paul II
Below is the translated text of the statement of Pope John Paul II, delivered in Ukrainian, during the consecration ceremonies of Archbishop-Metropolitan Myroslav I. Lubachivsky Monday, November 12, at the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican. The statement, in the original Ukrainian and in Italian translation, appeared in L'Osservatore Romano, the Vatican's official organ, of November 13.

Recent arrests in USSR cause concern in the West

Horbal sought permission to emigrate to United States

New York UNA'ers discuss upcoming Soyuz banquet at district meeting

Brooklyn newspaper profiles Savoyka

New Yorkers demonstrate at Soviet U.N. Mission

Evanko, SUMK Dancers appear in Winnipeg

Chicago appraiser retires after 25 years

Celebrate 70th of Branch 316

Philly newspaper cites dissidents

Kudrika speaks at Penn State

Woroby elected president of Manitoba Ukrainian teachers

Wrong caption

Two New Jersey education officials visit Ukrainian school

New Jersey to review materials for study of Eastern Europe

Winnipeg kindergarten children are taught only in Ukrainian
The following article about the exclusive usage of the Ukrainian language in the kindergarten classrooms appeared in the Winnipeg Free Press of November 6. It was written by Laurie Streich. The Free Press also published full-color page 1 photo showing kindergarten teacher Orest Semus and three pupils, Kathleen Drewniak, Laura Kusko and David Pawlik.

Maplewood mayor acknowledges support of Ukrainians in successful re-election bid


Thanksgiving Day 1979
Movement transcends borders

About endowment life insurance
Organizing Department

News quiz

Chicago artist introduced to Ukrainian Canadians

Social security notes

Over 450 attend 18th Plast "Orlykiada"
Story and photos by Roman Juzeniw

De Kalb newspaper featured cooking by Mrs. Kuropas

To hear lecture on Polish-Ukrainian literary relations

Panorama of Ukrainian culture in the Big Apple
by Helen Perozak Smindak

Folk dance
November-December events
Musical events

On the eve of the congress
SUSTA - the endangered species?
by Orest P. Kopanycia


You don't have to be Ukrainian to enjoy Ukrainian concerts
The following review about the concert of the Ukrainian Chorus Dnipro of Minneapolis, Minn., which was held in the Centennial Hall, Winnipeg, Man., October 28, was written by Coral McKendrick. It appeared in the October 29 edition of Winnipeg Free Press.

Ukrainian physician certified by Board of Family Practice

Promoted to lieutenant

Announce committee to mark golden anniversary of school

UCCA body to sponsor panel on youth, student organizations


Thanksgiving Day
Den Podiaky
[Published in Ukrainian]


Dnister's historical course

How the goat outsmarted the wolf

by Musa

Ukrainian pro hockey players - 1979-80 season
This Ukrainian coaches a pro hockey team

Bohuta The Hero
Story: Roman Zawadowycz
Illustrations: Petro Cholodny

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, November 18, 1979, No. 263, Vol. LXXXVI

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