Sunday, January 27, 1980

Helsinki monitor Malynkovych arrives in West with family
Is fourth member of Helsinki group to emigrate from USSR

U.S. legislators salute Ukraine's independence anniversary

Sviatoslav and Nina Karavansky visit UNA, Svoboda

Karavanskys call for year of Ukrainian prisoner

Svitlychna gets belated Christmas gift - her husband arrives in Rome

Orthodox priest arrested in Soviet religious crackdown

Regelson arrested in Soviet Union

Third believers' committee formed in Poland

Philadelphia defense group meets Vice President Mondale

Reagan remembers Ukrainian independence
Below is the text of a letter from Ronald Reagan, candidate for the GOP presidential nomination, to the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America on the occasion of the 62nd anniversary of Ukrainian independence. The letter is dated January 11.

Garden State Ukrainians observe Independence Day in Trenton
The following article about the Ukrainian Independence Day in Trenton appeared in the January 22 edition of The Star-Ledger of Newark, N.J.

TUSM pickets Soviet Mission in New York on Solidarity Day

NCNC mourns Meany's death

Lugar compares Afghan takeover by Soviets to Ukraine's fate

Ukrainians mark Independence Day

New York, N.Y.
Maplewood, N.J.
Jersey City, N.J.
Union, N.J.
Palatine, Ill.

And the winter games?

News quiz

Art review
Three artists exhibit in Cleveland
by Andrew Fedynsky

Letter to the editor
Practice what you preach

Lawmakers at the Independence Day reception

Voice you opinion

New York as usual (almost)

Newark community marks January 22 as national holiday

Toronto groups sponsor lectures on Ukrainian topics

Manor college sponsors dental workshop

Roman Rudnytsky to perform in Canada, United States

UVAN presents lectures, exhibit in Winnipeg

Temple students confer with dean about invitation to Berdnyk

Sacred Heart U. offers two courses this spring

Harvard journal carries Ucrainica

Offer history course at Connecticut college

"Chornomortsi" hold winter meeting at Soyuzivka
by Hilary Cholhan

Ukrainian keeps craft alive
The following article about Alex Parubchenko, a Trenton, N.J., blacksmith, appeared in the December 1979 edition of Welding Journal. It was based on a story from Tempil Division, Big Three Industries, South Plainfield, N.J.

Bridgeport Ukrainians - A community profile
Below is the third installment about the Bridgeport, Conn., Ukrainian American community which appeared in the Sunday, December 16, 1979, edition of The Bridgeport Post.

Korney named to labor board

East Orange, N.J., newspaper profiles Roxolana Bukshowany

Panorama of Ukrainian culture in the Big Apple
by Helen Perozak Smindak

Ukrainian studies

"Iskra" album now on cassettes and 8-tracks

UCCA Washington news

Book on pioneers wins medal

Plan festival in Barnesville

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, January 27, 1980, No. 21, Vol. LXXXVII
(The Ukrainian Weekly here bears the issue number of its sister publication, the daily newspaper Svoboda.)

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