Sunday, March 2, 1980

Two groups led wide-ranging protest actions at Olympics

Liberation Front youths demonstrate

"Smoloskyp" group prods boycott

UNA district chairmen assess organizing campaign, plan for future at annual talks

U.S. Embassy occupant appeals to Christians for Sakharov

Four Baptists arrested in Ukraine

Children of believers beaten in Zhdanov

Metrinko "not accounted for"

President Carter appreciates support on Olympics boycott
Below is the full text of the letter received by The Ukrainian Weekly from the White House after the newspaper apprised President Carter of the results of its poll on the boycott of the Olympics in the USSR.

Carter administration responds to Maplewood Ukrainian independence resolution

Chicago celebrates UNA's 85th, honors long-time area activists

Rep. Peyser remembers world's captive peoples

Hewko studies in Oxford on Marshall Scholarship

Rutherford faithful have own church

Eastern Churches in Chicago pray for unity


Triumph of skill and pride
Actions in Lake Placid

America hits Russian "Achilles' heel"
by Dr. Vasyl Markus

Ukrainization of Kiev?
Partial results of the 1979 census

by Roman Solchanyk

Art review
Dorosh's artworks are "complex" and "interesting"
The following review of artworks by Daria Dorosh of New York City was written by Thea Gutman. Miss Dorosh is exhibiting her works through March 8 at the A.I.R. Gallery, 97 Wooster St. in the So Ho section of Manhattan.

N.Y. Plast branch sponsors children's masquerade ball
by Pavlo Tscharskyj

Philadelphia academy receives grant

New band hits the scene in Montreal

Miami Ukrainians salute Lithuanian independence anniversary

Ukrainians mark Independence Day
Rhode Island
Erie, Pa.

Panorama of Ukrainian culture in the Big Apple
by Helen Perozak Smindak

"The Devil's Alternative"
Non-conformist art
The saga of Skag
Oil stick on paper
Graphics and oils
Upcoming events

"Mria"... Their dreams come true!
by Marta Kolomayets

Stage clay, fiber exhibit at Chicago art institute

Appointed assistant nutritionist at New York hospital

Durbak heads health data system

Manor receives grant from Sears

Marionettes Gural entertain Montreal school children

Maplewood parish hosts UOL youth

Miami dancers continue annual dinner-dances
by Hanya Maksymowich

Manitoba school to mark 75th

Pennsylvania activists thank Dr. Abend

To stage festival in Barnesville

Prof. Fizer to speak in Winnipeg

LUC slates sports rally

N.J. heritage ball lays groundwork for ethnic festivals
The following article about the New Jersey Heritage Festival Ball appeared in the February 17 edition of The Sunday Star-Ledger. It was written by Dorine F. Gilman.

Babak to appear in D.C. concert

Release HURI newsletter

Erie UNWLA plans Shevchenko program

Sacred Heart University to honor Bishop Losten

Prof. Rubchak to lecture on Shevchenko

Volunteers offer tax help

Karavanskys to visit Buffalo, Milwaukee, Chicago

Christina Lypeckyj has album with Warren Symphony

To hold pysanka workshops in Connecticut centers

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, March 2, 1980, No. 50, Vol. LXXXVII
(The Ukrainian Weekly here bears the issue number of its sister publication, the daily newspaper Svoboda.)

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