Sunday, April 27, 1980

250 U.S. lawyers demand release of Lev Lukianenko

Plast holds world congress
Romankiw, Durbak elected leaders

by Roman Juzeniw

Ukrainian fraternal, community leaders attend White House conference

Vins reports on persecution of Baptists in Soviet Union

New documents received about case of four Kiev Baptists

Lithuanian Catholics call for release of Viktoras Petkus

Sakharov committee urges Dems to adopt human rights plank

U.S. Helsinki commission to hear testimony on USSR's ethnic groups

New multiculturalism minister appointed in Canada

Karavanskys urge Canada to boycott Olympics

Human rights to be Slavic convention theme

May is designated month of WCFU fund-raising drive

Dobriansky appointed adviser to Reagan

Aleksandr Ginzburg receives key to Jersey City
Former dissident is now member of city's Russian emigre community

Patriarchal movement representatives meet with Lubachivsky

Women's leader attends briefing at White House

Ukrainian perspective on Holocaust offered at Penn State

Today designated day of prayer for vocations


Ukrainian military leader, Averkiy Honczarenko, dies
Long-time UNA employee, Stephen Kurlak, dies

Parish plans to "start again"

Slate meeting on proposed ethnic center

L.A. Culture Center presses for Ukrainian on Holocaust council

Plan Slavutych poetry reading


Best face forward
Strike while it's hot

For a Democratic Party plank on human rights
Below is the text of the testimony of Adrian Karatnycky, executive director of the Andrei Sakharov Defense Campaign, presented on April 10 before the Democratic Party Platform Committee during its hearings on international affairs issues. The committee, headed by Detroit Mayor Coleman Young, met in Baltimore, Md.

Senior Citizens Corner
by Marion Kushnir Burbella

Book review
Soviet dissent is focus of new Forsyth thriller
by Adrian Karatnycky
The review below is reprinted from the April 7 issue of The New Leader, a biweekly published by the American Labor Conference on International Affairs.

1979 Soviet census
Use of Russian language increases in Soviet Union
by Roman Solchanyk
The article below appeared previously in the April 2 issue of the biweekly Soviet Analyst.

How to become a legend - dance, dance, dance
by Helen Perozak Smindak

Christina Petrowska-Bregent to give recital May 8

Ukrainian opera opens Slavic association's 1980 season

Giant Easter egg draws crowds

Toronto critic lauds Plishka's vocal powers

"Every Child" wins Oscar

Visual arts teacher's works exhibited in Soho gallery

Pysanky draw attention wherever they roll

Pen pal center
Getting to know you...

14 teams compete in SUM-A volleyball tourney


Toronto gallery features New York artists

Ukrainians to perform in Pittsburgh festival

Nagurney active in county's employment service for seniors


The bear and the hare family
Illustration by E. Kozak

Ukraine's traders
by Volodymyr Mackiw

Kozak Mamai
by Volodymyr Barahura
Illustration by Mychailo Mychalevych
[Published in Ukrainian]

The chase
by Roman Zawadowycz
Illustration by M. Dmytrenko

Princes of Galicia and Galicia-Volhynia
One of the above was crowned King of Rus' in 1253 by a papal legate in this city

Bohuta The Hero
Story: Roman Zawadowycz
Illustrations: Petro Cholodny

Plan conference on bilingual ed

Ingredient missing

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, April 27, 1980, No. 97, Vol. LXXXVII
(The Ukrainian Weekly here bears the issue number of its sister publication, the daily newspaper Svoboda.)

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