Sunday, June 15, 1980

Vyacheslav Chornovil sentenced to five years of imprisonment

Soviets arrest Bohdan Chuiko, exiled former political prisoner

Ukrainian Anti-Defamation League responds to stamp magazine's slander of Petliura

In Moscow
Two families still refuse to leave U.S. Embassy

Polish intellectuals say Soviet Union must be tried for war crimes

Pentecostals appeal to Waldheim to help them leave Soviet Union

Soviets violate pact against forced labor, ILO charges

Parishioners' letters reveal events surrounding murder of priest

Ukrainian political prisoner is seriously ill

ODUM to mark 30th anniversary

Museum collects photos documenting history of Ukrainians in United States

Yuzyk elected president of Canadian Folk Arts Council

Ukrainian survivor of Auschwitz addresses high school students

News briefs from Ukraine

Book tells of Ukrainian culture at Penn State

Holocaust council holds first meeting

New Jersey governor proclaims Fraternal Week

Ukrainian Free University offers four new scholarships for 1980

Credit union association holds convention in Chicago

State Department slates public meeting on Madrid Conference

A call for fraternalism
Appeal of the Supreme Executive Committee of the Ukrainian National Association


Harry Dackiw, former branch officer
Frank Klawsnik, long-time UNA'er

Annual report
of John O. Flis, Supreme President
delivered at the annual meeting of the UNA Supreme Assembly on May 12

Recording and Financial Departments
Organizing Department
Ukrainian National Urban Renewal Corp.
Old building
Paulus Hook Community Housing Corp.
Representational work


On honoring fathers
Education in a Ukrainian spirit

News quiz

by Anisa Handzia Sawyckyj
Question: How do you feel about the U.S. boycott of the Olympic Games in Moscow?

Letter to the editor
An expensive education

by Marion Kushnir Burbella
1980 convention of UNA seniors

Marusevich and Osenenko honored by parish, friends
by Helen Perozak Smindak

Phone conversation leads to marriage

21st annual "Zlet" held at SUM-A's Ellenville camp

TUSM publishes monthly newspaper

Ukrainian foods to be offered at GOP convention

Hnizdovsky works are featured in New York, Virginia, Vermont

Bandurists, choir present joint concert in New York

Couple hopes to further musical careers in U.S.

Cantors' classes offered at seminary

Manor to offer real estate exam preparatory course

Stuban graduates from West Point

Receives political science degree

Graduates from law school

St. George students receive scholarships

Named assistant city editor

Keybida honored as humanitarian

Ukrainian doctor elected president of New Jersey heart association

Immaculate Conception High School holds commencement ceremonies

Canadian veterans to attend UAVets convention

Graduation ceremonies held at Mother of God Academy

Distinguished Ukrainian will be honored at Barnesville festival

Letter focuses on reasons for Olympic boycott


UCCA Washington news

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, June 15, 1980, No. 3, Vol. LXXXVII

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