Sunday, August 17, 1980

Oksana Meshko pens appeal on behalf of her son

Samvydav document reveals fate of Rivne oblast church

Pyotr Rumachik, Baptist activist, arrested in the Soviet Union

Gleb Yakunin's wife allowed to visit him in Lefortovo prison

WCFU adopts resolutions concerning Madrid Conference

Letter sheds new light on Dudko confession

Leonid Plyushch's appraisal of the West
by Ika Koznarska Casanova
Part III

Canadian archives offer rare materials on early immigrants

200 participate in Boston CN rally

Digest recalls Vinnytsia massacre

History of Ukrainian Evangelical movement published

Wayne State publishes book on Detroit Ukrainians

Soviet fashions flop

United States strategy for the Madrid Conference
by Vasyl Markus

Kiev radio assails UCCA President Lev Dobriansky
by Dr. Walter Dushnyck

St. Clement's concludes summer program

To offer Ukrainian course in Winnipeg


Soviet destruction of Churches
Kudos for ABA

Letter to the editor
Praise for the Plyushch series

News and views
Soviets skim $18 million a year from Ontario wills, says daily
The article below appeared in the July 25 issue of the Toronto Star. It was written by Paul Dalby.


Demographic Problems in Ukraine
by Dr. Roman Solchanyk

Ukrainian community leaders score NBC on Polovchak coverage

New Jersey Ukrainians form Reagan coalition

New Jersey Ukrainian Democrats meet

Storm fails to dampen doubles tourney at Soyuzivka

Next weekend at Soyuzivka

U. of Waterloo offers Ukrainian correspondence course

Holocaust workshop slated for Baltimore Slavic convention

Liberty Park slates festival

The Weekly welcomes new staffers

21 graduate Ukrainian Cultural Courses at Soyuzivka

Vassyl Yemetz, bandurist, celebrates 90th birthday

Dr. Bohdan Hnatiuk, UNA Supreme Advisor, honored on his birthday

Barnesville festival a success

Ukrainians take part in Houston festival

Works of artist Natalka Husar exhibited in Edmonton

Ukrainian radio show host appeals for sponsors

Ukrainian Cultural Center in LA offers 16 scholarships

Case Western offers scholarships for Ukrainians

Ohio Plast camp, dedicated to dissidents, ends

UCCA to hold Ukrainian Day in Minneapolis

Christina Romana Lypeckyj releases album

UCCA Washington news

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, August 17, 1980, No. 12, Vol. LXXXVII

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