Sunday, August 24, 1980

Smorodsky expresses optimism about Madrid Conference
by George B. Zarycky

At heritage village
10,000 attend unveiling of monument to Ukrainian Canadian pioneer family

UCC outlines recommendations for new Canadian Constitution

Raissa Moroz writes about plight of Ukrainian Helsinki group members

Zinoviy Antoniuk reported to be seriously ill

Chicago Tribune features embroidered Ukrainian icons

TASS denounces report on Helsinki violations

Ukrainians in Argentina hold Free Olympics

Pope John Paul II blesses cornerstone of Ukrainian Cathedral in Brazil

UNA executives visit Archbishop Lubachivsky

Legal, moral issues of Polovchak case raised on New York TV talk show

Sacred Heart University's center reaches out to Connecticut ethnics

The Rev. Protodeacon Mykola Chaly

Operation Spruce Up Sloatsburg deemed success
by Alice M. Orlan

Publishes article on Ukrainian transport

Appreciate their commitment

News quiz

Personal property, auxiliary farming approved in new Soviet Constitution
by Dr. Emil Bej

Liberation of humanity - the American dream
Below is the text of remarks by President Jimmy Carter at the July 29 ceremony commemorating the fifth anniversary of the Helsinki Accords.

Letter to the editor
Get involved in politics

85 attend Ukrainian Folk Dance Workshop at Soyuzivka
by Martha Korduba

Training course for Plast youth counselors held at Novy Sokil
by Roma Sochan Hadzewycz

Plast's "novaky" send greetings to Svoboda and The Weekly

Bandura Camp held at ODUM resort in Accord, N.Y.
by Laryssa Lysniak

Next weekend at Soyuzivka

Mandeluk's movie, "The Kidnapping of the President," premieres
by Helen Perozak Smindak

Ukrainian strongman Mike Swystun dies


Defends doctoral dissertation

To hold batik workshop in Hunter

Pianist Luba Zuk featured in university music journal

St. Joseph's holds annual Acres of Fun Festival

St. Basil Academy school year opens September 2

Sacred Heart University to offer Ukrainian courses

New band founded in Chicago


A modern story
by Roman Zawadowycz

The fox, the cat and the rooster

by K. Perelisna
[Published in Ukrainian]

by Dima
[Published in Ukrainian]

Word jumble
Past Supreme Presidents of the UNA
He was elected UNA Supreme President at the only convention held in Jersey City

Bohuta The Hero
Story: Roman Zawadowycz
Illustrations: Petro Cholodny

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, August 24, 1980, No. 13, Vol. LXXXVII

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