Sunday, September 14, 1980

Organization for Rebirth of Ukraine holds 35th convention in Lehighton

Vinses address jubilee convocation of Evangelical Baptist Convention

Lemko Housing Corp. receives $4.7 million HUD grant

Madrid Conference preparatory session opens

Gen. Grigorenko tours Norway

Relatives' council appeals for imprisoned, repressed Baptists

Soviets sentence Orthodox activist

Baltic nations to hold rally

Lisovy sentenced for 'parasitism'

Patriarch's chancery issues communique concerning Synod of Bishops

Ukrainian Catholic bishops of North America confer

Freedom House releases yearbook on freedom throughout the world

Ukrainian journalist traveled with Afghan rebel squad

Slavic convention held in Baltimore
Michael Novak elected president

HURI hosts Japanese scholar

Elementary Ukrainian offered in Philadelphia

Public affairs center protests VOA's use of terminology

Bishop of Toronto elevated to archbishop

Dauphin hosts its 15th Canada's National Ukrainian Festival
by Taras Hukalo

Grandstand show was "fantastic"

A fall from grace

Book review
Kaczurowsky's book has makings of bestseller
Igor Kaczurowsky. "Because Deserters Are Immortal." Translated by Yuri Tkach. Doncaster, Australia: Bayda. 1979. 141 pp. $4.95
by Marta Tarnawsky
The review below by Marta Tarnawsky of the University of Pennsylvania appeared previously in the Summer 1980 issue of World Literature Today, a literary quarterly of the University of Oklahoma.

Camp life
Bandura camp: extraordinary experience
by Martha Jowyk

Pavlik Morozov and Walter Polovchak
by Svyatoslav Karavansky

Impact of Polish developments?
Local trade-union organs criticized in Ukraine
by Dr. Roman Solchanyk

Latest issue of Recenzija released

Dauphin bids "Vitayemo" for 15th festival

Tennis: a family sport

Windows on the world topped by Ukrainian Restaurant in ratings

Promin: shedding a new light on the Ukrainian music scene
by Marta Kolomayets

Dr. S.J. Kalba to resign as UCC executive director
by Michael Ewanchuk

Surmach story appears in reader

Mazuryk's works to be displayed September 14-27 in Toronto

Hnizdovsky works to be exhibited

Slavic Culture Week begins October 13 in New York

Manor festival to feature Voloshky dancers

Daria Dorosh's works displayed in Southampton

Named Manhattan College soccer coach

250 attend Panchuck-Panchuk family reunion

Museum to hold embroidery workshop

Plan Family Day in Hempstead

Becomes fellow of dentistry academy

UCCA Washington news

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, September 14, 1980, No. 16, Vol. LXXXVII

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