Sunday, October 19, 1980

13th Congress of Ukrainians of America concludes
Over 20 organizations walk out of congress to protest irregularities

Opening session
Officers' reports
Discussion of reports
Conference, exhibits

To all members of the Supreme Assembly, all branch and district officers and to the entire membership of the Ukrainian National Association

John O. Flis, Supreme President

Vasyl Stus sentenced for anti-Soviet agitation

Barladianu sentenced for slander

Shifrin publishes guidebook for travelers to Soviet Union

Ukrainian artist found hanged

Canadian council outlines position on Canada's role in Madrid

Authorities harass Odessa laborer

Brzezinski, Haig speak at UCCA jubilee banquet

1,200 persons join in rally for the independence of Ukraine

WCFU continues campaign for decolonization of USSR

Illinois Ukrainians form Reagan/Bush committee

Magocsi to speak on Carpatho-Rusyns

Madrid Conference to be focus of meeting

Penna. governor names Ukrainian to ethnic affairs advisory body

Professionals unite in Cleveland

Carter receives ethnic encyclopedia

Svyatoslav Karavansky delivers keynote address at congress luncheon

Cooperation brings results

News quiz

News and views
Light a child's way to freedom
by Antonia Duffy

Edmonton - the warmest city
by Nadia Skop

"The time is closer than most think"
Below is the full text of Dr. Lev Dobriansky's address delivered at the 13th Congress in Philadelphia, on Friday, October 10.

Congressional hopeful visits UNA

New York candidate meets UNA execs

Mol presides over exhibit opening
by Michael Ewanchuk

Manor center sponsors exhibit

Former, not current

October 18 - Saturday, November 1

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, October 19, 1980, No. 21, Vol. LXXXVII

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