Sunday, November 9, 1980

Oksana Meshko rearrested

Reagan/bush, Republicans win

of the Supreme Executive Committee of the Ukrainian National Association

Polovchak defense fund established in Chicago

U.S., European rights activists plan activities in Madrid

Madrid talks still stalled

Writers appeal for imprisoned colleagues

U.S. representative on U.N. committee cites Ukraine's oppression by Soviets

U.N. receives memo on decolonization

Smorodsky speaks on Madrid CSCE

Champion weightlifter Rakhmanov stresses Ukrainian background

KGB investigates Dmytro Mazur

Dr. Myron Konovalets, participant of 1918-20 liberation struggle

Two Ukrainian women cites by Rhode Island commission

UNA district committees meet

Woonsocket, R.I.
by Ivan Horbatenky
Troy, N.Y.

Philadelphia UNWLA holds museum week
by Dr. Zofia Sywak

Toronto chair begins pedagogical work

UNA's fraternal activities director

A smooth transition

Soviet dating service
Kharkiv Family and Marriage Service
by Dr. Roman Solchanyk

SUSTA publishes Prism

National cultures and university chairs
by Dr. Paul R. Magocsi
Below is the full text of the inaugural address delivered by Dr. Paul R. Magocsi at the opening ceremonies of the Chair of Ukrainian Studies at the University of Toronto held October 22.

Babyn Yar Park in Denver
An expression of appreciation
Helen J. Ginsburg, president, Babi Yar Park Foundation

Perth Amboy youth fest features music, dance, art

Petryk twins to represent Svoboda, Weekly at Press Ball

Doctors, engineers, sports activists hold get-together at Soyuzivka

Panorama of Ukrainian culture in the Big Apple
by Helen Perozak Smindak

Student at work
's wonderful, 's marvelous
Anniversary time
A star is born
Winning acclaim

Ottawa professionals hold annual meeting

Rutgers hromada plans activities
by Natalia Krawciw

Alexander Pastuszek, Catherine Newsom are wed

Sunday, November 9 - Sunday, November 16

1980 UNA scholarship recipients

Eastern religious meet at Manor

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, November 9, 1980, No. 24, Vol. LXXXVII

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