Sunday, December 14, 1980

Synod of bishops nominates episcopal candidates
Denies legitimacy of 1946 Lviv Synod

At CSCE, West continues to score Soviet violations

Carter issues rights day declaration

AI annual report: 30 governments were responsible for political killings

Ukrainian political prisoners protested Afghanistan invasion

Ukrainian Frenchman offers himself in exchange for Yuriy Shukhevych

Chornovil case requires urgent action, according to Amnesty International

Voinovich forced to emigrate

Bill of Rights Day
Human Rights Day and Week, 1980
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

In Madrid
ABN and OUN hold press conference, demonstration

Kiev group is focus of reception in Madrid
by Andrew Fedynsky
Smoloskyp Information Service

Byrne proclaims rights week

Reagan condemned Soviet incorporation of Baltics

Rights day protest in Moscow prevented

Yuzyk criticizes Trudeau government for skirting minority languages

Library refuses to accept book on Nazi extermination of Slavs
Ukrainian students file discrimination suit

UCCA Executive Committee meets

Kampelman asks "return to foundation of Helsinki Final Act"
Below is the full text of a speech delivered by Max Kampelman, co-chairman of the U.S. delegation to the Madrid Conference, on November 17.

UNA district committee meets
by Ivan Horbatenky

N.Y. Ukrainian university students discuss formation of coalition
by Xenia Jowyk

Sacred Heart U. offers Ukrainian

UADL president's letter on Osidach case published
The article below was published in the November 13 issue of The Philadelphia Inquirer in the letters to the editor section. It was written by Alexandra Shwed, president of the Ukrainian Anti-Defamation League.

Watch on the Vistula

News and views
Conference discusses Nazi Holocaust
by Ivan Bilyj

News quiz

Open letter to younger generation
- Orysia Paszczak Tracz

Letters to the editor

Penn State club needs support
Support Kuropas appointment

Music review
Chervona Kalyna proves versatility in debut album
by Laryssa Krupa

Zoya Lymar to exhibit oils, graphics in New York

Panorama of Ukrainian culture in the Big Apple
by Helen Perozak Smindak

Christmas gift galore
Around town

November issue of Prism is released

Manor College offers externship at Elkins Park hospital

Ukrainian chemist presents report on new treatment for epilepsy

Atlanta UNWLA spotlights Ukrainian arts

Young UNA'ers

Receives doctorate in political science

Sunday, December 14 - Wednesday, December 31

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 14, 1980, No. 29, Vol. LXXXVII

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