Sunday, January 25, 1981

Welcome home, Michael

Helsinki Watch protests continued Soviet repression

In Israel
Say Sheptytsky should be recognized for saving Jews' lives

Amnesty International reports Soviets continue crackdown on dissidents

Hermaniuk told of persecution of Ukrainian Church

Psychiatric abuse monitor arrested in Moscow

Ukrainian Frenchman still willing to serve Shukhevych's term

Baptist youth congress slated for 1982 in Paraguay

WCFU Presidium meets in Toronto
Discusses Madrid Conference

HURI publishes "Eucharisterion" dedicated to Omeljan Pritsak

Philadelphians mark Day of Solidarity

Syracuse youths express solidarity

Ritter issues statement about Ukraine's independence

Bishop sees signs Soviets may legalize Ukrainian Church

Ukrainian Independence Day

Jersey City, N.J.
New Haven, Conn.
Queens, N.Y.

St. Andrew's College to become affiliated with U. of Manitoba

Seminars planned at Ukrainian university

Organizing campaign most successful in December, UNA reports

The Madrid Conference: an interim report
Part I


In the saddle
Free at last

A glimpse at Soviet reality
Something's rotten in Kolomyia
by Dr. Roman Solchanyk

News Quiz

Mykola Ponedilok: the Ukrainian Bob Hope
by Yuriy Klynovij

Music review
"Kvitka" - excellent in every respect
Kvitka Cisyk, "Kvitka," KMC Records, Ridgefield, Conn., 1980.
by Teresa Kopanycia

Letter to the editor
Re: Polovchak

Ukrainian runner's life and legs featured in Sports Illustrated

Sunday, January 25 - Sunday, February 8

Farewell to the White House
by Natalie Sluzar

New wooden church preserves Ukrainian tradition
by Maria K. Zobniw

Ukrainian alumni of Temple University organize

Manor plans Health Fair

Ukrainian graduates elect board

To be listed in Who's Who

Named vice-chairman of labor relations section

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, January 25, 1981, No. 4, Vol. LXXXVIII

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