Sunday, February 1, 1981

Thousands cheer Metrinko during his homecoming

Pope announces:
Sulyk appointed metropolitan, Lotocky is Chicago eparch

Statehouse ceremonies mark Ukrainian Independence Day


Amnesty International designates Rudenko case "urgent"

Madrid review conference resumes amid renewed U.S.-Soviet tensions

Meshko protests Soviet illegalities

Sources report Yatran director may have died

Mark anniversary of Sakharov exile

Metrinko tells interviewer about mistreatment, solitary confinement
Below is the text of an interview with Michael Metrinko which was broadcast on the "CBS Evening News with Walter Cronkite" on Tuesday, January 27.

Metrinkos say Michael never lost hope
by Eugene L. Meyer
The article below appeared in the Thursday, January 22, issue of The Washington Post.

Supreme Court revokes Fedorenko's citizenship

Resolution calls for release of Shukhevych

Thanksgiving liturgy to be offered for hostages' return

Proposed amendment to Canadian Constitution recognizes country's multicultural nature

Ukrainian Independence Day

New York
Maplewood, N.J.
Bayonne, N.J.

Bishop Rusnak chosen to head new Byzantine-Rite eparchy

Newark meeting focuses on UCCA

Dr. Jaroslav Voyevidka

The Madrid Conference: an interim report

Which way human rights?

News and views
The Ukrainian Catholic Church
by Vera Rich

Interview with Heifetz: a view from the inside

Perth Amboy UNA abuzz with activity

French businessman tells of sweet taste of success

Gratovich co-hosts radio program

Saturday, February 7 - Sunday, February 15

The Weekly Questionnaire

L.A. center offers pysanka decorating class

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, February 1, 1981, No. 5, Vol. LXXXVIII

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