Sunday, February 22, 1981

Helsinki Watch demands release of Rudenko, Tykhy, Orlov

Ukrainians in Poland may win concessions on place names
by Dr. Roman Solchanyk

Ukrainian Institute in danger of losing tax-exempt status

Soviets sentence Volodymyr Sichko

Committee opposes Bucharest as possible site for next CSCE

Estonian open letter speaks of fears of linguistic denationalization

The greater of "equals"?

Documents on Horbal case received in the West

Rights policy's value was questioned by Lefever, N.Y. Times reports

WCFU proclaims Decade of Ukrainian Family

Subcommittee on curriculum review attempts to combat misinformation
by Dr. Ivan Z. Holowinsky

Ethnic leaders worry about appointments

WCFU Presidium meets

Hold public meeting of Committee on Law and Order in the UCCA

Two wrongs...

At Madrid Conference
Kampelman: U.S. remains committed to Helsinki principles
The speech below was delivered by Max Kampelman of the U.S. delegation to the Madrid Conference on January 27, the day the second phase of the Helsinki review conference opened.

U.S. delegation member asserts Helsinki Accords embarrass USSR

Our 87-year-old Batko

by Anisa Handzia Sawyckyj
Question: What do you think is the future of the Ukrainian language in the United States?

Bucharest should not be site of next Helsinki Conference
Below is the position paper released by the U.S. Helsinki Watch Committee which outlines reasons the Bucharest, Rumania, should not be approved as the site of the next conference to review implementation of the Helsinki Accords.

Bilingualism: disguise for Russification
Below is an article about Russification which appeared in the ELTA Information Bulletin published by the Lithuanian National Foundation based in Washington.

On being Ukrainian
by Marta Korduba
Part I

Montreal artist's works to be displayed in New York City

Panel focuses on settlements handbook

Panorama of Ukrainian culture in the Big Apple
by Helen Perozak Smindak


New York's Ukrainian Museum through the eyes of visitors
by Dr. Zofia Sywak

Museum reports on activities

Museum receives Melnyk, Konovalets artifacts

Students thank parents via presentation

Ukrainian Independence Day

Riverhead, N.Y.
New York Plast branch
Ansonia, Conn.
Reading, Pa.


Sunday, February 22 - Sunday, March 8

Bishop Losten visits Ansonia parish

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, February 22, 1981, No. 8, Vol. LXXXVIII

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