Sunday, March 1, 1981

AFL-CIO strengthens ties with ethnics
Invites two Ukrainians to attend semiannual meetings

by Ivan Bilyj

Legal Defense Fund established for Ukrainian Institute's tax case
by Dr. Jurij Savyckyj

Ukrainian remains chairman of multiculturalism council

State Department reports in human rights in the USSR
Part I

Respect for the integrity of the person
Cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment
Arbitrary arrest and imprisonment
Denial of fair public trial
Invasion of home

Jesuits protest persecution of Czech priest

New information received about Sheludko case

Soviets deny bomb reports

Consecration, installation dates set for Ukrainian Catholic hierarchs

Coalition condemns Lefever appointment

Iwanciw named staff member of Select Committee on Intelligence

Congressmen speaks about Ukraine's independence

Publication praises concept of White House ethnic affairs office

Bomb explodes at RL/RFE

Canadian institute releases catalogue

Committee for Law and Order draws up plan of action

Halun Bloch's book recorded for blind

Toward a better tomorrow
Appeal of the UNA Supreme Executive Committee

Thanks UNA for helping Kovalenko, Ukrainian defector

UNA district committee meets

Scholarship applications due March 31

Office of Ethnic Affairs: R.I.P.?

Book review
The Rev. Vasyl Romaniuk: 'voice in the wilderness'
by Deacon Peter Galadza

Christian Science Monitor quotes Weekly editorial

Letters to the editor

The Ukrainian Catholic Church
Polovchak and the Bible

Open letter
Ukrainian studies at Columbia

The Ukrainian Museum opens exhibit of ritual cloths

New readers

On being Ukrainian
by Marta Korduba
Part II

Panorama of Ukrainian culture in the Big Apple
by Helen Perozak Smindak

Care to Nocturne?
New England Night
Nikolais Dance Theater
Ritual cloths on exhibit
Out-of-town events

Shadows of forgotten ancestors
by Helen S. Prociuk

Frackville dancers performed at inauguration

Museum will honor patrons

Hartford choir to be on TV

Ladies auxiliary elects officers

Saturday, March 7 - Sunday, March 29

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, March 1, 1981, No. 9, Vol. LXXXVIII

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