Sunday, March 22, 1981

Rep. Fenwick spearheads campaign on behalf of Mykola Rudenko
68 congressmen sign letter urging his release

Conference on aging conclude
Cultural differences bar European immigrants from participation in seniors' programs

New York Fraternal Congress holds 80th annual meeting

Polish authorities detain dissident leader

Jailed dissident's wife threatened with expulsion from Moscow

Moscow police grab ex-defector as Western newswoman looks on

Soviet militia seizes 11 women after breaking up demonstration

Osidach loses citizenship

Community comes to aid of Ukrainian Institute of America
by Dr. Jurij Savyckyj

Presidium of Committee for Law and Order meets in New York

Canadian youth federation holds Toronto parley

Community leader urges 'meaningful dialogue' between Reagan, ethnics

Dr. Nicholas Paley talks about his latest book on immigrants

Ukrainian church proposed for Jerusalem

"A bit of Ukraine" may be found in Ituna
by Richard Willing
The following are excerpts from an article by Richard Willing of The Detroit News on the Saskatchewan town of Ituna, a small, heavily Ukrainian farm village northeast of Regina. The article, titled "Ituna: A prairie Home," appeared under the subhead, "A bit of Ukraine" in the March 2 issue of The Detroit News.

Nearly 16,000 copies of book by Kuropas have been sold

USCAK to hold swim meet

Publish new ethnic bulletin

Feature on Morris County ethnics cites growing Ukrainian population

L.A. culture center plans pysanky exhibit, workshops


Bohdan Rak, sports activist
Ksenia Chaharyn of Woonsocket


A case without precedent

The King of Tasmania
by Mykola Rudenko
Translated by Askold Melnyczuk

Historical association publishes new atlas

The toponym Ukraina in the works of Shevchenko
by Dr. Anna Vlasenko Bojcun

Toward accuracy in Holocaust accounts

Post Office 134, Whippany, New Jersey 07981

CBS Network News

Penthouse, February
U.S. News & World Report, February 16
United Press International
Churches' telephone directory listing
"The Official Ukrainian Joke Book"
Bunker Hill Stamp Co.
The Readers Digest, January 1981, and The New York Times Magazine, February 1


Manor Junior College to offer workshop on health insurance

Pysanka-decorating workshop slated for D.C.

Sunday, March 22 - Saturday, April 4

Hnizdovsky woodcuts displayed

Ukrainians attend exhibit opening

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, March 22, 1981, No. 12, Vol. LXXXVIII

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