Sunday, June 7, 1981

Imprisoned Kiev worker's letter urges independent labor unions

Honorary Supreme Assembly member John W. Evanchuk dies

UNA Supreme Assembly to convene

Pennsylvania congressman organizes committee on Balts, Ukrainians

Pecherska Lavra monk expelled

Siberian Seven receive greetings

Survey reveals extent of Soviet repressions

Pop singer freed in Czecho-Slovakia

UFA, UNA officers meet

D.C. Knights of Columbus condemn use of Soviet-supplied evidence

Pennsylvania priest named director of Christianity millennium observances

Pentecostal leaders petition Reagan

Graft, incompetence plague Soviet medicine, says physician

HURI announces winner of prize in Ukrainian bibliography

Temple university professor awarded grant for literary research
by Volodymyr Bandera

Ukrainian language Regents exam to be given June 19

UNA district committees meet



Harry Kosowsky of Branch 247

Ukrainization in Siberia?

Scientists study remains of chronicler Nestor

Art review
Fedynsky's photos: documentary of Ukrainian life in America
"Ukrainians in America," a photodocumentary by Peter Fedynsky. Exhibit held at the St. Sophia Religious Center, Washington, on May 2-9.
by Orest Deychakiwsky

Book notes
Volume on ancient Ukrainian history

Mychajlo Moroz - an appreciation
by Prof. Jaroslaw Leshko
The following is the text of an address delivered by Prof. Jaroslaw Leshko of Smith College on May 17, on the occasion of the opening of an exhibition of paintings by Mychajlo Moroz at the Ukrainian Institute of America in New York City. The address, which was delivered in Ukrainian, has been translated by the author and adapted for this publication.

Art center opens in Glen Spey

Promin, bandura school to perform concert

Manor registration open

Iskra releases new album

Panorama of Ukrainian culture in the Big Apple
by Helen Perozak Smindak

H.R.H. Prince Karlo
Tytla at the Whitney
Tchaikovsky everywhere

We will keep the song in our memories...
by Marta Kolomayets

Sunday, June 7 - Saturday, June 27

Notes on people

Hall of Famer
by Dr. Zofia Sywak

Distinguished teacher

Toronto SUM, Chicago Lions win USCAK volleyball tourney

UNA'er celebrates 100th birthday

Nowytski and crew film "The Helm of Destiny"

Ukrainians attend Connecticut convention

Bandurist chorus to perform at Garden State festival

Four Ukrainians honored in Philly

Penn State students elect club officers

Canadians donate soccer balls to Carteret SUM-A team

Two graduate fellowships offered

Palm Beach Ukrainians hold Easter dinner

Musical competition will mark millennium

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, June 7, 1981, No. 23, Vol. LXXXVIII

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