Sunday, July 5, 1981

Vyacheslav Chornovil says he is "hostage of Politburo"

Exchange of correspondence reveals
Russian patriarch denounces document of Ukrainian Catholic Bishops

WCFU Secretariat meets in Toronto
Bazarko assumes presidency

U.S. challenges military information cited by Soviets in Madrid
Below is the text of Ambassador Max Kampelman's address delivered at the Madrid Conference on June 12.

Attorneys say Polovchak threatened suicide if returned to USSR

Siberian Seven appeal for Wallenberg

Prisoner demands Bible

Bazarko retires from UCCA post

Kubijovych honored for scholarly work

NYU students help institute

Losten confers with UFU reps
by Dr. Yaroslaw Mociuk

Toronto Eparchy publishes children's prayer book

UNA district committee meets
Wilkes-Barre, Pa.

UNA youth dance is success
by Marta Korduba

SUSK to hold congress

Born on the 4th of July

New law on foreigners' rights highly touted by Soviets

The Ukrainian Orthodox Churches and the Ukrainian diaspora
by Dr. Frank Sysyn

Senior Citizens Corner
by Marion Kushnir Burbella

Panorama of Ukrainian culture in the Big Apple
by Helen Perozak Smindak

From Paris and Lviv
Martynuk/McAdams in concert
Museum's future projects
Pyrohy or pizza?

Verkhovyna Youth Festival is on July 17-19

Sunday, July 5 - Saturday, July 18

Youth receive first communion

Penn State Club continues activity

Veterans present awards

Losten, Lotocky attend commencement

18 graduate St. George School

Manor offers secretarial science

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, July 5, 1981, No. 27, Vol. LXXXVIII

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