Sunday, August 9, 1981

Sen. Biden writes RFE/RL about Ukrainian broadcasts

Committee marks anniversary of Helsinki Accords signing

Congressmen express concern about Raisa Rudenko

Walter Polovchak has requested permanent residency in the U.S.

Stefania Sichko pens appeal on behalf of her son, husband

Lawmakers initiate diplomatic action in support of Lithuanian dissident

Former dissident complains to KGB about continued harassment

More kopecks for the "truth"

State Department aide: no plans to abolish human-rights post

Haig discusses Madrid meetings, East-West confidence-building measures

Tom Kean names ethnic liaison

Defections, discontent plague Soviet intelligence agency

Soviets: no KGB hospitals for dissidents

Chicago parish to honor Holy Order with liturgy, testimonial dinner

Festival to mark 90 years of Ukrainian presence in Canada

Olga Shuster, community activist, suffers fatal heart attack in Peru

Scope on the Young Ukrainian: Andriy Metil
by Marta Korduba

Young dance camp participants stage program at Soyuzivka

Sport and diplomacy

Music review
Iskra's second album a smash
by Teresa Kopanycia

Letters to the editor

Artist responds to reader's letter
Kudos for interview with Karatnycky

Profile: Dr. Bohdan Hawrylyshyn

News and views
On the Ukrainian Catholic Church in America
by J.Y. Hamulak

Book notes
Essays on Plast reissued in Md.

Susta holds Youth Weekend at Ellenville SUM-A camp

55 students at Harvard summer courses

Religious instruction, culture studies highlight fifth annual Orthodox camp

Plast campers send greetings to Svoboda and The Weekly

Notes on people

Elected to tax association
Wins two awards
Receives business M.A.
Graduates Villanova
Cadet at West Point
Wins scholastic honors
Graduates high school

Globe-trotting artists to show in Mexico

Panorama of Ukrainian culture in the Big Apple
by Helen Perozak Smindak

Looking ahead
New reading matter
Catching up

Philly festival to honor Hirniak

Parishioners honor the Rev. Shust on 50th anniversary of ordination

Monday, August 10 - Tuesday, August 25

Two Ukrainian folk artists in L.A. exhibit

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, August 9, 1981, No. 32, Vol. LXXXVIII

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