Sunday, August 16, 1981

Amnesty International opens case file on Raisa Rudenko

Metropolitan Sulyk meets with UNA leaders in Philadelphia

Supreme executive committee holds regular meeting

Paradjanov: from top filmmaker to official social outcast

Sen. D'Amato writes Dobrynin urging release of Mrs. Rudenko

Two Soviet Adventists sentenced for "slander"

Kampelman at Madrid: Soviet violations of human rights go on with "cruel relentlessness"
The following address was delivered by Max Kampelman, head of the U.S. delegation to the Madrid Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, on July 28. The meeting, which adjourned until October 27, remains at an impasse, with East and West still far apart on the key issues of disarmament, security and human rights. The conference began in November 1980.

Soviet Union plagued by social ills, sagging economy, editor says

UOL holds 34th annual convention

St. Joseph's parish to hold annual Acres of Fun Festival

UNA Celebration of Youth: Spotlight on performers
by Marta Korduba

Strilec, Hrynkiw and Dobriansky highlight Soyuzivka program

The millennium

Letters to the editor
More kudos for Karatnycky interview

Book review
Wytwycky's Holocaust study called "unique"
Bohdan Wytwycky. "The Other Holocaust: Many Circles of Hell." Washington: The Novak Report 1980. 95 pp.
by Raul Hilberg
The following is a review of Bohdan Wytwycky's book, "The Other Holocaust," by Raul Hilberg of the University of Vermont, author of "The Destruction of European Jews" and one of the two or three most authoritative scholars on the Holocaust. The review, which first appeared in the Spring 1981 issue of the Journal of Ukrainian Studies, a publication of the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies at the University of Toronto, is reprinted here with the permission of Prof. George Luckyj, faculty advisor to the editorial committee.

Book notes
HURI to publish Shevchenko study

On the state of contemporary Ukrainian church art and architecture
by Ika Koznarska Casanova
I - Zenon Mazurkevich

Snylyk, Sawchak take doubles crown at tennis tourney

St. Basil's academy to mark golden jubilee in September

Profile: coach Walter Chyzowych

Sunday, August 16 - Sunday, August 23

Rutgers-Newark to hold art show

Dr. Karavansky visits Plast camp

Mstyslav Dolnycky, American editor, visits UNA, Svoboda Press offices

Surmach to Nixon: "Become a beekeeper"

Lydia Savoyka: sister of mercy for many new immigrants to the U.S.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, August 16, 1981, No. 33, Vol. LXXXVIII

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