Sunday, September 6, 1981

Framed Ukrainian Helsinki monitor tells of Soviets' inhumanity

Justice Department will oppose any move to repatriate Polovchak

Patriarch Josyf meets with UFU students

Radio Kiev assails "nationalist-Zionist alliance"

Dissident priest found slain in rectory in Lithuania

Gleb Yakunin threatens to stage hunger strike

Two Baptists arrested on charges of slandering the Soviet state

Czech authorities arrest priest

Florio discusses ethnic concerns during meeting with community leaders

Community activist warns Democrats they may lose ethnic votes

UIA restoration begins after board approves plans

UFU faculty meets in Munich

UFA, UNA hold joint Fraternal Association Day
by Alex Poszewanyk

Rep. Coyne supports erection of monument to Serbian leader

LUC to hold national convention in Connecticut

800 attend UNA Day in Pennsy

Kwas named chairman of upstate AHA chapter

Soviet leaders still grapple with nationalities problem, interethnic relations
by Dr. Roman Solchanyk

Journalist explores the relationship between totalitarianism and music

Kremlin fears Polish unrest may spread to Ukraine
The article below is reprinted from The Baltimore Sun where it was published on August 23. The author is a writer and political scientist based in Washington. He is also the editor of the English-language Smoloskyp newspaper.
by Andrew Fedynsky

Justice comes through

Letters to the editor

On the folly of "mixed marriages"
Re: Christian unity and the millennium

On the state of contemporary Ukrainian church art and architecture
by Ika Koznarska Casanova

IV - Father Joseph Denischuk
V - Miroslav D. Nimciv

Scenes from the UNA Celebration of Youth at Soyuzivka
by Marta Korduba
Photos by Bohdan and Odarka Polanskyj

If chessmen could talk...

6,000 attend Philadelphia's Echoes of Ukraine festival

Saturday, September 12 - Sunday September 27

Nuns attend canon law workshop

33 become charter members of Chicago Knights of Columbus branch


Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, September 6, 1981, No. 36, Vol. LXXXVIII

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