Sunday, November 15, 1981

Fenwick honors Helsinki monitors

Ukrainian Democratic Movement meets at second convention

Raisa's sentence: 10, not 3, years

23 congressmen join list of resolution co-sponsors

Testimony will mark Kiev group anniversary

U.S. State Department reports on Soviet disinformation tactics
Following is the full text of the State Department's report on Soviet "active measures" - forgery, disinformation and political operations, which was released last month. (The Weekly carried and editorial related to this report in its October 18 issue.) We publish the full report here for information of our readers.

Ukrainian political prisoner appeals to U.N. rights commission

Georgian Helsinki monitor arrested

Addresses of Ukrainian Helsinki monitors

Serhiyenko, Terelia released

Churches looted in Lithuania

1,000 protest Soviet oppression

New UNWLA officers meet

Focus: Harvard publication on famine of 1933

UNA district committees meet


Nicholas Chomko, former branch secretary

Notes on the eve of a congress

Book review
Annotated bibliography of theses
"Scripta Manent III: An Annotated Bibliography of Theses Directed or Evaluated by J.B. Rudnyckyj." (Ottawa, published by alumni and friends on the occasion of Dr. Rudnyckyj's 70th anniversary, 1980). 44 pages. Available from the Ukrainian Language Association, Ottawa.)
by Stephen P. Hallick Jr.

Book notes
Historical novel by Ivan Smoliy

On the state of contemporary Ukrainian church art and architecture
by Ika Koznarska Casanova
XVI - Petro Cholodny Jr.

UNA sponsors weekend meeting of youth leaders
by Marta Korduba

Alumnae visit St. Basil's

Nostra culpa

Panorama of Ukrainian culture in the Big Apple
by Helen Perozak Smindak

Katrina Hodiak in N.Y.
Dzundza on ABC-TV
Bandurists win award
On the road
Tourists' reunion
Important dates

West Islip church damaged by fire

Sunday, November 15 - Saturday, November 28

Canadian institute announces scholarships, grants for 1982

Manor Junior College hosts religious education workshop

Music institute elects officers

Graduates club holds dinner-dance

Plans finalized for new church

Houston ensemble slates appearances

Odessa dancers perform

Parish has new cantoring team

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, November 15, 1981, No. 46, Vol. LXXXVIII

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