Sunday, December 6, 1981

Minnesota event celebrates Ukrainian identity
by Dr. Myron B. Kuropas

Amnesty International group adopts Raisa Rudenko

Relatives want to adopt Polovchak; legal battles drag on

Most Estonians ignore call for half-hour work stoppage

Rev. Yakunin being force fed by labor-camp authorities

U.S. scientists back Sakharov

Food rationing, strikes fuel discontent in troubled Rumania

Popular Hungarian priest suspended for 6 months

Czech court jails Charter 77 activist

State Department assures rights group of concern for Rudenko, others

Rep. Ritter scores Soviets for invasion of Afghanistan

U.S. at Madrid conference: where is Wallenberg?
Below is the text of a statement by Max Kampelman, chairman of the U.S. delegation to the Madrid Conference to review implementation of the Helsinki Accords. The statement was delivered by Ambassador Kampelman on November 6 before the plenary session of the conference.

Soviets arrest Estonian Methodist

Vins speaks on religious persecution
by A.J. Serafyn

Baptist youth plan convention

Set up committee to aid emigrants

Ottawa banquet marks 90th of Ukrainian Canadian settlement

UVAN members hold conference

Rudnytsky reports on Canadian Ucrainica

Chicago UNA'ers meet with Bishop Lotocky

'Other Holocaust' suggested for use in N.Y. curriculum

Manor Junior College receives humanities grant

Connecticut Ukrainian Day Committee hosted by Bishop Losten
by Gloria Horbaty

Survey in regard to senior citizens' condominiums
Attention, UNA Seniors!

The "big lie"

Press review

Link human rights and disarmament
U.S. policy and Soviet emigration

The English-Ukrainian program in Manitoba's public schools
by Vasyl Balan and Myron Spolsky

Bass-baritone Volodymyr Denysenko impresses N.Y. opera buffs
by Helen Smindak

To err is human

Sunday, December 6 - Sunday, December 20

63 attend four-day bandura workshop
by Helen Smindak

Koch to join Ukrainian Institute

Manor appoints program director

Hamtramck Catholic parish welcomes its new pastor
by A. J. Serafyn

Woonsocket Sodality sponsors annual bazaar
by Anne Michaluk

Ukrainian courses flourish in Toronto

Notes on people

Prof receives teaching award
by Dr. Ostap Sokolsky

Cited for sociolinguistic work
Elected credit union head
Praised for performance
Earns economics doctorate
Granted engineer's license
Graduates law school
Selected midshipman officer
Competes in marathon

LUC holds 43rd convention

Parish marks patron's feast day

SUM-A troupe entertains veterans

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 6, 1981, No. 49, Vol. LXXXVIII

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