Sunday, April 18, 1982


East European lawyers tell congressmen that denaturalization defendants are denied rights

Warvariv, U.S. diplomat, dies

Easter: We are renewed

Klebanov: Soviet Walesa

Orlov reported extremely ill

Walesa wins freedom award

Radio Solidarity airs program; repressions continue in Poland

Soviet police nab 12 dissidents

Conference to focus on persecution of Eastern Europe

Soviets compelled to ration food

Statement by UNA auditors

Winnipeg bilingual program extended

UIA needs books on Eastern Europe

Polovchak: rising soccer star

Tucson Ukrainians bless church site

Let us help our brothers
Appeal of the bishops of the Particular Ukrainian Catholic Church in Canada, to all the clergy and faithful

UNA district committees meet

30 fraternals, UNA to take part in Maryland-D.C. congress
by Paul Fenchak

Staffers kicked upstairs

Power of prayer

Canada at Madrid
Ambassador reports on CSCE meeting

Book review
New study of ethnic Chicago: "important... mature scholarship"
by Dr. Wolodymyr T. Zyla

Book notes
History of Ukrainian settlers in Manitoba

Wednesday, April 21 - Saturday, May 1

Chicagoans hold annual Shevchenko tribute
by Alex Poszewanyk

Toronto senior citizens form 60-voice choir
by the Rev. Terry Lozynsky

Panorama of Ukrainian culture in the Big Apple
by Helen Perozak Smindak

Big Apple blooms with color
Notes on dance
The art scene
The lecture circuit

ODVU members honor memory of Kwitkowsky

Credit Union established in Washington

Notes on people

Priest marks 25th
Take part in art show
To play Haiti
Murals featured
Explains pysanka craft
Wins swimming medal

Young UNA'ers

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, April 18, 1982, No. 16, Vol. L

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