Sunday, November 28, 1982

Eighteen Detroit ethnic groups purchase local radio station

Post runs UNIS director's letter refuting article on OUN-Nazi link

California Ukrainian's tenacity led to child seat safety law

Multiculturalism grant
Ukrainian studies center gets $23,520

Dissident profile
Oles Berdnyk: a visionary behind bars

Missing historian was jailed

Pentecostal resolution stalled Charter 77 demands end to repression

Quebec destroys ethnic list after charges of impropriety

U.S. publishers remember Marchenko

Canadian Senate honors Helsinki monitors

Scholarly conference examines UPA

UPA monument dedicated in Parma

George Lopatynsky, UPA veteran

Mayor Koch appoints Dlaboha to Ethnic Advisory Council

UNF holds anniversary convention

Ukrainians hold Soviet Embassy rally

Hierarchs visit Canadian Senate

UNA district committees meet


SUSK receives UNA contribution

St. Louis mayor praises fraternals

Comrade Andropov

News and views
New leaders in Ukrainian SSR Communist Party
by Dr. Roman Solchanyk

The Study of Ukrainian history in U.S.: perceptions and misconceptions
by John S. Roshetar Jr.
Part I

by Roman Sawycky
Mykola Lysenko in foreign sources
Part III - English sources

Yunak magazine's representative chosen Miss Press

Panorama of Ukrainian culture in the Big Apple
by Helen Perozak Smindak

Catching up: art
Catching up: marathon
The dance circuit
Film credits
Community events

Ukrainian Graduates name Ihor Stebelsky Ukrainian of the Year
by A.J. Sarafyn

Notes on people

Pastor to retire
Councilman profiled
Pianist ends global tour
Civic leader feted
Violinist joins quartet
Named Athlete of the Week
Named to dental faculty
Gets governor's award

Young UNA'ers

Millville's UNA couple

Museum shop expands hours

Sociologist to address education association

Friday, December 3 - Friday, December 10

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, November 28, 1982, No. 48, Vol. L

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