Sunday, December 5, 1982

Patriarch Josyf joins hierarchs calling for community unity

U.S.: concrete deeds required for Helsinki Accords' revitalization

Ukrainian Orthodox Church comments on Catholic hierarchs' appeal

U.N. demands Afghanistan withdrawal

SUSK begins Operation Mykolayko

Dissident profile
Mykhailo Osadchy: portrait of an "agitator"

Bush, congressional delegation visit Pentecostals in U.S. Embassy

Columnist cites Badzio in article about dissidents

Ethnic tensions spawn soccer brawl

Immigrant Aid Society reports lack of funds, sponsors

Canadian Cabinet approves rules for minorities' depiction

N.J. Senate cites Ukrainian Helsinki Group

Sacramento honors Helsinki monitors

"Hunky Bill" wins lawsuit

Metropolitan Mstyslav grants audience to affiliated nationalist organizations

Losten heads bishops' conference

Grigorenko comments on Andropov reign

AHRU branch founded in Albany

D.C. commemorates UPA anniversary
by Vasyl Khotarnyk

Pittsburgh society awards scholarships

Manor hosts area student clubs

1983 UNA Almanac ready

Organizing Department reports on membership

UNA district committees meet


Secretarial/organizing course held in Connecticut

Rain of death

News and views
VOA and RFE/RL sorely need Senate vote on financial boost
by Kateryna Chumachenko

Letter to the editor
Praise for Media Action Workshop

The Study of Ukrainian history in U.S.: perceptions and misconceptions
by John S. Reshetar Jr.
Part II

by Roman Sawycky
Mykola Lysenko in foreign sources

Panorama of Ukrainian culture in the Big Apple
by Helen Perozak Smindak

Palance at Helm
The winner is...
Christmas preparations

Montreal record producer announces talent search

UAVets executive board meets
by Edward A. Zetick

Chicago Knights of Columbus: 1 year old

Watervliet Catholic parish celebrates diamond jubilee

Kleiner addresses Rochester community

Georgetown institute announces program

Gold Cross Branch 7 commended

Selfreliance Association holds concert to benefit Chicago senior center
by Alex Poszewanyk

Glen Spey hosts "Khvyli" meeting

Plast unit meets at Soyuzivka

Canadian institute announces scholarships

Ocean County Ukrainian Club plans meeting

Maplewood Orthodox parish visits Montreal

UNA/UIA group sponsors afternoon of performing arts

Sunday, December 5 - Saturday, December 18

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 5, 1982, No. 49, Vol. L

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