Sunday, January 16, 1983

Lame duck Congress stalls $44 million radio appropriation

A glimpse of Soviet reality
Stricter laws on "parasitism" enacted in Ukraine
by Dr. Roman Solchanyk

UNA Organizing Department reports successful December

New bishop's consecration planned in Rome

Dissident profile
Danylo Shumuk: 37 years in prisons

Shcharansky reported week and gravely ill

Polish junta continues to arrest Solidarity activists, supporters

Christian activist spurns KGB bribe

Soviet Baptists are sentenced

Hierarchs' appeal: January 22

Reception on Capitol Hill will commemorate Ukrainian independence

Amnesty International places Shumuk on special-action list

Dissident discloses KGB threat

Seminary receives $210,000 in donations

AHRU receives letter of support

Funds are needed to continue Ukrainian talking-books program

Metropolitan Sulyk grants audience to Ideologically Affiliated Organizations

UNA Branch 347 in Millville celebrates 70th

Patriarch thanks Flis

UNA/UIA players plan play

Tim Hrynewich: UNA'er in NHL

January 22
The famine

Universal Declaration of Human Rights: an analysis and critique
by Daniel Marchishin

The man-made famine of 1933 in Soviet Ukraine: what happened and why
by Dr. James E. Mace

Pat Bilon in Jersey
E.T. visits The Weekly

Grigorenko "Memoirs reviewed by N.Y. and L.A. Times

Bayonne bachelor finds love and bride in Lviv

Hrynchyshyn, new bishop-designate, honored by former parish in Newark

Archbishop Bernardin attends St. Nicholas Cathedral observance

NYC explains holiday traffic mess


Named to society
Ceramic artist profiled in Chicago paper
Wins Goethe award
Named USAF officer
Writes fishing facts
Promoted to professor
Appointed nursing dean

Young professionals party draws big crowd

Stus, Subtelny win Antonovych prizes

New release: history of Ukrainian Canadians

Students entertain young-at-heart seniors

Manor announces new appointments

UFU Foundation receives collection of literary-scientific journal

Young YNA'ers

Sunday, January 16 - Saturday, February 12
Tuesday, January 18 - Sunday, January 23

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, January 16, 1983, No. 3, Vol. LI

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