Sunday, September 11, 1983

Ottawa bars Aeroflot flights; Ukrainians urge more sanctions
by Mykhailo Bociurkiw

Thousands enjoy Labor Day entertainment, sports at Soyuzivka
by Roma Hadzewycz

UNA reacts to jetliner downing

Dissident profile
Petro Saranchuk

Poles mark Solidarity anniversary

Walesa says protests were successful

Afghan Communist factions clash

Moscow police seize four peace activists

Urge Reagan to back Shukhevych

Minneapolis Ukrainians mark famine anniversary
by Dr. Michael Kozak

Culture club formed in northern California
by Barbara Kubichka

California resolution proclaims famine day

To name UAVets post for Korean War hero

Dennis Czorny, Tanya Sawchak win 1983 men's, women's tennis crowns

Albany Plast team wins championship at swim meet

Svoboda and the making of the Ukrainian American, 1893-1914
by Dr. Myron B. Kuropas


Svoboda's 90th
The KAL killings

Effective media relations
Using current events: the downed jetliner
by Andrij Bilyk

PART XXX: October 16-31, 1933

The New York Times and the Great Famine
by Marko Carynnyk

Soyuzivka on Labor Day weekend: a photo report
Photos by Roma Hadzewycz

Ukrainian heritage Day draws thousands to Ontario Place
by Mykhailo Bociurkiw

LUC appeals to members

Kylym exhibit opens at museum

Manor College to hold festival

Pittsburgh Festival slated

Spotlight on Soyuzivka: September 17-18

Wednesday, September 14 - Sunday, September 18

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, September 11, 1983, No. 37, Vol. LI

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