Sunday, November 13, 1983

Senate Foreign Relations Committee passes resolution on 1932-33 famine

Conquest, Mace to testify at Senate collectivization hearing
by Eugene Iwanciw

McMaster conference focuses on history of Ukrainian-Jewish relations
by Andrii Krawchuk

Ukrainian Catholic Church: subject of increased persecution

Dissident sketch
Mykola Kraynyk

Camp writings of Vasyl Stus reveal conditions of prisoners

UABA establishes working committees, elects officers at annual meeting

WCFU committee sets agenda for upcoming word conclave

1,500 in Australia protest famine

300 attend Connecticut famine service

UACC to plan 20th jubilee of Shevchenko monument

Ukrainian lawyer elected Edmonton mayor
by Mykhailo Bociurkiw

Schreyer Fellowship in Ukrainian studies to be presented

Detroit schedules famine commemorations

L.A. committee releases decal, postcard

Statements of Senate Foreign Relations Committee on famine resolution
Sen. Ernest F. Hollings
Sen. Pete Domenici
Rep. Hamilton Fish Jr.

Senate Concurrent Resolution 70

Resolution sponsors


The U.N. and Ukraine
Lifting sanctions

In observance of The Weekly's 50th
From our pages in 1936

PART XXXIX: May 1-15, 1934


Voice of America
Winnipeg Sun
Sacramento Bee
Los Angeles Channel 4
The Plain Truth
Harvard Summer Times
Ellenville News
Weekend Australian
Daily Targum
Wall Street Journal
Star Phoenix

UNITAS Center in New York: dedicated to serving needs of Slavic population
by Ihor Jadlickyj

The Mazepa legend: replete with historical errors

Mazepa Foundation seeks membership

LUC support seminary

Panorama of Ukrainian culture in the Big Apple
by Helen Perozak Smindak

Ukrainian Museum receives federal grant


Interviewed by Showbiz
Completes medical studies
Bandura builder profiled
Addresses space parley
Comedian tours Canada
Gets honorary doctorate
Appointed county judge
Loves Winnipeg home

Sunday, November 13 - Sunday, November 20

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, November 13, 1983, No. 46, Vol. LI

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