Sunday, April 1, 1984

New Jersey's Bradley introduces famine study bill in Senate

Shevchenko Society, UCCA and UACC to mark Shevchenko monument's 20th

Demjanjuk I.D. card was altered, two documents experts testify

Conquest presents working draft of book on Great Famine
by Dr. James E. Mace

Terelia released after serving one-year term for "parasitism"

U.N. commission votes to appoint human-rights examiner for Afghanistan

Communist officials slain by Afghan rebels

Angolan rebel raid kills seven Soviets

Dissident sketch
Tikhon Demyanchuk

Bishop in Polish "crucifix crisis" declares bread-and-water fast

Rep. Fascell cites Marchenko in Congressional Record


Report death of Bishop Khira: Uniate prelate jailed in 1950s

Ukrainian seeks legislature seat

Orthodox Archbishop Boris Yakowkewych


Statement and appeal of the UNA Supreme Auditing Committee

Greetings on the UNA's 90th anniversary

World Federation of Ukrainian Women's Organizations
World Coordinating Council of Ideologically Affiliated Nationalist Organizations
Ukrainian Supreme Liberation Council (abroad)
Ukrainian Liberation Fund
Ukrainian National Federation

The famine bill

Letter to the editor
A clarification on the famine bill

Letter to readers
A call for community action

To establish a commission to study the 1932-1933 famine caused by the Soviet Government in Ukraine.

(HR 4459 in the House of Representatives, S 2456 in the Senate)

Congressional remarks
Bradley: famine bill would enhance U.S. understanding of Soviet system

Appeal to readers
Florio: community interest is "crucial" for passage of famine study bill

Constituent action is essential in influencing government officials
by Walter Bodnar

Letters to legislators: examples to follow

Political profiles

Sen. Bill Bradley: Sponsor of S 2456
Rep. James J. Florio: Sponsor of HR 4459

Sponsors of famine bill in House of Representatives

House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee

Panorama of Ukrainian culture in the Big Apple
by Helen Perozak Smindak
And more opera
Short-short operas
On stage

Art scene
Paintings by Cleveland artist to be featured at expo

Chicago artists to exhibit at Northwestern

New gallery opens in Parma

Fund-raiser held for Nationality Room
by Nickolas C. Kotow

Writers seeking material for book

Basilian Sisters hold provincial chapter

Knights host Deanery Night

Music auditions slated at Soyuzivka

St. Basil Catholic Seminary plans April jubilee concert

U. of Mich. holds Ukrainian fest

Thursday, April 5 - Monday, April 9

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, April 1, 1984, No. 14, Vol. LII

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