Sunday, August 12, 1984

State Department says it opposes bill to create famine commission

Archbishop Mark dies at 89

Four Soviet deserters recall their harsh ordeal in Afghanistan
by Chrystyna Lapychak

Nashe Slovo resumes publication

Activist urges Solidarity activity

Sakharov's wife charged

Report heavy fighting in Afghanistan

Shcharansky reportedly placed under new strict regimen

Polish nationalists released

Rains damage crops in Ukraine

Smoloskyp, at Olympic press conference, accuses USSR of murdering its athletes

Memorial to famine victims unveiled in downtown Winnipeg

AJC, in letter to Percy, urges passage of famine commission bill

Congressmen, senators mark anniversary of 1975 Helsinki Accords

Detroit's Ukrainian American Center to close after seven decades
by Stephen M. Wichar

Polish American Congress backs lifting sanctions against Poland


Pastuszek honored for organizing efforts
Weekly editor makes TV debut
UNA'ers fete Tarnawsky on his 70th birthday
Youngstown to mark UNA's 90th
Forty UNA secretaries attend weeklong courses at Soyuzivka

The famine commission

by Andrij Bilyk
P.O. Box 9653, Alexandria, Va. 22304

How to react to headlines that say "U.S. cool to Ukraine memorial"
What to say in the letter

In observance of The Weekly's 50th
From our pages in 1974
"Revival and Repressions," May 4, 1974

by Myron B. Kuropas
The 1984 Polish American vote; still no clear pattern has emerged

News and views
Soviet sports medicine is killing Olympic medal winners

Transcripts of famine hearing testimonies

Sen. Charles Percy
Sen. Bill Bradley
Myron Kuropas
Ihor Olshaniwsky
Robie M. H. Palmer

AHRU's response to State Dept.'s testimony

Ukrainian ensembles perform at pre-Olympic festival

Art news

Artist who will show at Soyuzivka sees painting as "spiritual survival"
by D. Anton

Petryshyn's show in Belgium receives favorable reviews

Heritage group slates D.C. tour

At Soyuzivka August 18

Wednesday, August 22 - Monday, August 27

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, August 12, 1984, No. 33, Vol. LII

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