Sunday, September 9, 1984

Patriarch Josyf dead

Thousands of visitors flock to Soyuzivka for Labor Day weekend
by Marta Kolomayets

AI adopts Anatoly Marchenko

Jailed Soviet dissident invited to teach at Brooklyn College

Soviet troops execute civilians

Latvian rock bands have Soviet authorities worried

Refusenik faces charges

Despite military might, Soviets do not control Afghanistan

Lawmakers continue to respond to UNA letter concerning famine bill

Polish dissident freed

Soviet account of Battle of Poltava omits any reference to Ukrainians

Smoloskyp reps to appear on West Coast cable T.V. show

Canadian grant will go to help finance documentary about the Great Famine

Chicago plans events honoring martyred Orthodox hierarch

UOL holds 37th convention

Plast counselors hold training camp

Thirty-five swimmers compete in holiday meet at Soyuzivka

Chaikovsky takes men's singles title at annual Labor Day tennis tournament

Get involved in politics

by Andrij Bilyk
P.O. Box 9653, Alexandria, Va. 22304

NBC's Soviet "hand" and how to play it
Here's what to look for
Here's what to do
We want American journalists to ask our type of questions in the USSR
But we have a responsibility to our journalists
Our job comes first

In observance of The Weekly's 50th
From our pages in 1978
"Support the courses," September 10, 1978

by Myron B. Kuropas
Turkey may determine Greek vote

Letters to the editor
Scores administration for opposing famine bill
Importance of learning Ukrainian

Panorama of Ukrainian culture in the Big Apple
by Helen Perozak Smindak

Hill Street Blues
CBS contender
Other TV attractions
Archipenko exhibit
In the news
Ethnic New Yorker
September events

by Roman Sawycky
"The Piano in Concert:" a review

Club Suzie-Q alumni plan fall reunion

Physicians' group to meet in Munich

Tuesday, September 11 - Sunday, September 16

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, September 9, 1984, No. 37, Vol. LII

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