Sunday, September 16, 1984

Faithful mourn Patriarch Josyf

House committee sets hearings for famine study bill

Report reveals Soviets violate arms accords

Dismissal of Soviet senior officer attributed to military policy dispute

Recent arrests may signal campaign against Jewish activists

Vodka boycott fails in Poland

Soviet press reacts with vitriol to this year's CN Week proclamation

Rumanian priest released

From the Metropolitan's Chancery
(As published in America and The Way)

In memory of Patriarch Josyf
Statement and appeal of the Supreme Executive Committee of the Ukrainian National Association

Sen. Percy selected to receive first UNA Humanitarian Award

Billy Graham arrives in USSR for second preaching tour

Democratic National Committee expands its Council on Ethnic Americans

Saskatchewan appoints language consultant

Canadian professionals schedule events

Shevchenko Scientific Society, others seek Shevchenko commemorative stamp


Luba Nimciv Weinheimer, opera singer
Rev. Michael Yarosh, Chester pastor
Stephen Wasko, special ed teacher

Recognition of patriarchate: late primate's foremost goal


In memoriam
Billy: back in the USSR

by Andrij Bilyk
P.O. Box 9653, Alexandria, Va. 22304
Kennedy Center concert: a tool in our hands

In observance of The Weekly's 50th
From our pages in 1979
"Continuing malaise?" November 25, 1979

Patriarch Josyf I: a biographical sketch

Patriarch Josyf: a photographic tribute

Toronto to celebrate publication of encyclopedia's first volume

40 plus ethnic groups participate in Liberty State Park Festival

Notes on people

Fedoryka named college president
Gets university position
To mark anniversary
Graduates West Point
Opens medical practice
Performs opera excerpts
Speaks on Ukraine

Sitch to hold golf tourney

Philatelic display to mark millennium

Plast slates ideological congress

UNA Day postponed

Wednesday, September 19 - Sunday, October 7

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, September 16, 1984, No. 38, Vol. LII

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