Sunday, September 23, 1984

Patriarch Josyf I buried in Rome's St. Sophia Sobor

10,000 at D.C. manifestation protest Ukraine's Russification
by Marta Kolomayets

Patriarch Josyf I buried in Rome
Hundreds attend weeklong funeral rites

Metropolitan Mstyslav mourns patriarch

Statement by Ronald Reagan on death of patriarch

Let us remember our patriarch by heeding his testament
Executive of the Ukrainian American Coordinating Council

Issue statements on patriarchate

Kennedy Center concert pays tribute to Ukrainian culture
by Chrystyna Lapychak

Senate OKs famine bill

Senate passes famine resolution
by Eugene Iwanciw

Pope visits Ukrainian cathedral, cites heroism of Ukraine's Christians

House resolution recalls genocide

Funeral services for Patriarch Josyf I
Photos by A.W. Suchenko

Patriarch's will: support our patriarchate

Uplifting musical tribute

Letters to the editor
Condolences on death of patriarch
Re: knowledge about Ukraine

by Andrij Bilyk
P.O. Box 9653, Alexandria, Va. 22304
Pope in Canada and march in D.C.: powerful statements about Ukraine

In observance of The Weekly's 50th
From our pages in 1980
"Election '80: your turn," November 2, 1980

by Myron B. Kuropas
Msgr. Geno Baroni: in memoriam

UNA president urges congressmen to support famine commission

The Washington Connection
P.O. Box 23546, Washington, D.C. 20026

Congressional statements
Legislation update
Notes and asides

Washington rally and march against Russification of Ukraine: a story in photos
Photos by Marta Kolomayets

From another perspective

Washington demonstration elicits varied reactions by participants
by Christine Demkowych

Manifestation attracts scores of youths
by Mykhailo Bociurkiw

Panorama of Ukrainian culture in the Big Apple
by Helen Perozak Smindak

Baroque flute
Met Opera debuts
On television
Show business
Nostalgic reunion
A look ahead

Irvington Presbyterian Church to mark 75th jubilee

Friday, September 28 - Sunday, September 30

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, September 23, 1984, No. 39, Vol. LII

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