Sunday, February 24, 1985

Canada establishes commission to track down war criminals

Ukrainian Canadians react to Nazi charges

Special conference to focus on Ukrainians in World War II

Soviets escalate mail tampering

Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Ukraine
The following excerpts are from Issue No. 3 of the Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Ukraine, an underground publication which made its appearance in January 1984 but has only recently reached the West. Thus far, eight issues have made their way out of Ukraine. The Chronicle is published in samvydav form by the Initiative Group for the Defense of Believers and the Church, which was founded in 1982 to promote the legalization of the Ukrainian Catholic Church, which has been outlawed since 1946. The following translation was prepared for Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty by Marta D. Olynyk.

Charter 77 elects new spokesman

12 Baptists reported arrested

Religious activist released early

Soviet officials take paper from student

Shcherbytsky's visit confirmed

Keston researcher expands activity in connection with millennium project

Metropolitan Osijchuk dies

Baltic organizations' response to Anderson column

Winnipeg mayor cites famine committee for community service

Liberation council calls for solidarity

D.C. group compiles internship list

Smoloskyp editor hosted by Toronto sports association
by Wsewolod Sokolyk

Baltic group announces intern program

Highway hearing slated


1985 UNA Almanac focuses on World War II and DPs
Three women branch secretaries cited for organizing achievements
Districts meet 75 percent of quotas
Branch 119 holds annual meeting, plans 1985 fraternal activities
Branch 112 elects officers

The Chronicle

by Andrij Bilyk
P.O. Box 9653, Alexandria, Va. 22304
Reactions to current events

The Shcherbytsky visit
Galicia Division under attack
One weapon: our holocaust

Reagan's statement on Yalta
Following is the text of President Ronald Reagan's statement on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Yalta agreement.

Catalogue chronicles the U.S. Ukrainian immigrant experience
"To Preserve a Heritage: The Story of the Ukrainian Immigration in the United States," by Myron B. Kuropas. The Ukrainian Museum: New York, 1984. 99 pp.
by Wolodymyr Zyla


AHRU thanks Canadians
We should push Shevchenko stamp

Photographic exhibit captures beauty of Lemko church architecture
by Olena Hanushevska-Galadza

Minneapolis program pays tribute to Ivasiuk

Panorama of Ukrainian Culture in the Big Apple
by Helen Perozak Smindak

Seven-year itch
Artists, alphabetically

Ukrainian Independence Day - 1985 commemorations

Albany, N.Y.
Binghamton, N.Y.
Delaware County, Pa.
Rochester, N.Y.

Notes on people

Commissioner profiled
Official to be feted
Policeman honored
Serves on committee
Embroiderer featured
Opens practice

Javelin thrower ranked
by Taras Kotliar

Nine debut at Detroit engineers' ball
by Lydia B. Lazurenko

Yonkers UNWLA salutes Ukrainka

Manor College slates workshops

Thursday, March 7 - Saturday, March 9

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, February 24, 1985, No. 8, Vol. LIII

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