Sunday, July 14, 1985

Soyuzivka opens summer season
by Mykhailo Bociurkiw

An urgent appeal
To: Members of the Ukrainian National Association
From: The Supreme Executive Committee and the Ukrainian Heritage Defense Committee

Amnesty International asks halt to extraditions

The computer in Ukraine: some new developments
by David Marples

Gorbachev, in Kiev, refers to USSR and Ukraine as "Russia"

Czech Catholic festival draws 150,000

Afghan rebels attack convoy, killing hundreds of soldiers

U.S. embassies in Soviet bloc to reduce foreign nationals staff

Senator raps expansion of U.S.-Soviet trade

Four lawmakers mark June 30 act

Press review

New York City Tribune: the famine
Jack Anderson: ferment in Ukraine

Young Soviet defector says Red Army is "demoralized" in Afghanistan

AHRU holds anti-defamation rally

Seek donations to anti-defamation fund

50 scholars meet to discuss plans for upcoming millennium

UAVets hold national convention

Rep urges issuance of Shevchenko stamp

Ukrainian to attend Nairobi women's meeting

New Haven parish officially opens its Heritage Center
by Dr. Albert Seretny

Center dedicated to early settlers
by Wasyll Gina

Captive Nations Week


Can't understand RFE/RL guidelines
Of interest in Shevchenko book
Disappointed in genocide program
Factual error cited in Brazil story

Ethnic education: is it relevant in American society?
by Bohdan Y. Cymbalisty

Ethnicity and mental health
Ethnic community resources

For the record: Schifter testifies before CSCE on Ottawa rights parley
Testimony of Richard Schifter, head of the U.S. delegation to the experts meeting on human rights, before the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe on June 25.

Soyuzivka's season opener: dance, song, recreation

Eighty-three enthusiasts make Soyuzivka tennis camp a success

by Roman Sawycky
Young pianist's "first flight"

Osinchuk concert opens music fest

Videotapes of WWII conference completed

Sixth annual spring recital held in Georgia

Notes on people

Receives two doctoral degrees
Promoted to VP and GM
Elected grand knight
Wins scholarship
Help register voters
Ukrainian women attend Republican luncheon

Senior Chornomortsi travel to annual conference

Bilyk forms PR agency

Manor names five trustees

Dauphin Festival begins August 1

Plan bus trip to Dauphin fest

Club Suzie-Q week planned

Sitch Sports School opens July 28

At Soyuzivka
July 20-21

July 21

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, July 14, 1985, No. 28, Vol. LIII

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