Sunday, December 8, 1985

35-country Cultural Forum ends without final agreement

Authorities cancel unofficial symposium

Former Ukrainian political prisoners hold international parley in Toronto
by Mykhailo Bociurkiw

Critics contend U.S. government officials may have questioned bogus Medvid
by Marianna Liss

Humphrey resolution has 42 co-sponsors

Refuse to serve in Afghanistan, urges underground youth organization

Bonner arrives for medical treatment

Poet placed in isolation cell

Lithuanian scientist sentenced for memoirs

Catholic priest arrested near Lviv

Translator Irene Padoch stresses Medvid sought political asylum
by Natalia A. Feduschak
First of two parts

Chicago press conference focuses on 1992-33 Ukrainian famine
by Marianna Liss

Millennium committee presidium meets

Scholarly society president receives N.Y. Ethnic Award
by Natalia A. Feduschak


UNA Supreme Executive Committee confers, hears officers' reports


Julian Baraniuk, branch/district officer
John Burney, Branch 64 secretary
Dionizyj Smotrycz, home office employee
Seniors construction begins at Soyuzivka

A summit's mixed bag


Balts, Ukrainians must demand investigation of Medvid incident
by Algis Silas

The Medvid case aftermath: time for all to pull together
by Andrij Bilyk

The Budapest Cultural Forum: a unique opportunity for human-rights discussions
by Christina Isajiw

Ukrainian students to meet at international conclave
by Mykhailo Bociurkiw

Artymiw concert garners high praise from D.C. critic

European study tour alumni hold reunion

Ukrainian Bostonians create ongoing folk festival

A look at "Colonel Redl": foreign film with Ukrainian protagonist
by Helen Perozak Smindak

Ukrainian Graduates of Detroit/Windsor honor Ukrainian of the Year
by Stephen M. Wichar Sr.

Jack Palance appears at high school benefit
by Leon Hordynsky

Fund-raiser for Demjanjuk planned

HURI announces summer program

Young artists to exhibit work

Plan Bahamas trip

Toms River meetings slated

December 11 - December 21

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 8, 1985, No. 49, Vol. LIII

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