Sunday, December 15, 1985

Government lawyer: Littman "duped" Canadian Prime Minister Mulroney
by Michael B. Bociurkiw

Over 800 imprisoned in USSR on world Human Rights Day

The Ukrainian Museum purchases new building

Senate resolution on asylum slated

Sentences for statement on Ukraine

Nobel Peace Prize laureate becomes subject of controversy

WCFU statement on Cultural Forum
Following is a statement issued by the Human Rights Commission of the World Congress of Free Ukrainians on December 10 regarding the CSCE Cultural Forum held in Budapest on October 5 to November 25.

Famine commission gets funding

Rumania's trade status is threatened

U. of T. Ukrainian chair commemorates fifth anniversary
by Mykhailo Bociurkiw

WCFU meets in plenary session in Toronto

Padoch criticizes U.S. handling of Medvid case
by Natalia A. Feduschak
Second of two parts

Millennium shrine nears completion in Canadian capital
by Michael B. Bociurkiw

UUARC asks for donations to less fortunate

Efforts continue for Shevchenko postal stamp



Weekly goes high-tech
Canadian Michael B. Bociurkiw joins The Weekly staff
UNA introduces new insurance plans


Irony in Oslo
Penny-wise and pound-foolish

by Myron B. Kuropas
"Rocky IV": the critics hate it


The Medvid case: what went wrong?
A sad day in land of free

A sampling of opinions regarding Medvid incident

The following letter to the editor appeared in the November 24 issue of the New Haven Register.

The following letter to the editor was published in the Atlanta Constitution on November 25.

The letter to the editor below was published in the November 11 issue of the New York Post.

The letter to the editor below is reprinted from the November 14 issue of The Baltimore Evening Sun.

The Washington Times ran the following letters to the editor in its November 11 issue. In all, 11 letters on the Medvid case appeared in that issue.

Soviet requirement: return of defectors

A view from the synod: Ukrainian Rome revisited
by Bishop Basil H. Losten
First of two parts

Student coalition considers creation of national body

Passaic National Home marks 75th jubilee
by Andrew Keybida

Notes on people

Shust plays Shaw
Named by governor
New dean of students
Bandura craftsman profiled by newspaper

Chortopolokhy Plast sorority holds annual meeting

Seton Hall club expands activities

UIA plans Christmas sing-along

December 18 - January 18

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 15, 1985, No. 50, Vol. LIII

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