Sunday, January 31, 1988

Mykola and Raisa Rudenko arrive in New York
Welcomed by friends, community leaders

by Chrystyna N. Lapychak

Canadian government gives $1 million to Ukrainian groups

UNA donations to famine commission total $30,000

Treblinka survivor recalled to stand to stand
Special to Svoboda and The Weekly

Ruban family suffers harassment, wife, son still set for U.S. trip

Ukrainian Catholic liturgy broken up

Estonian dissidents face new threats

Vechirnyi Kiev again focuses on Ukrainian Culturological Club

Crimean Tatars resume demonstrations

Ukrainian Community Fund's February-March fund drive

Village Voice article says 1932-33 genocide is a hoax

Panel in Chicago discusses Demjanjuk case developments
by Marianna Liss

Tolstoy comments on Demjanjuk trial

UCC donates painting to Edmonton in commemoration of Millennium

New York governor proclaims 1988 year of the Millennium

Conference examines impact of "English only" legislation

Rider College to host conference on famine for teachers, students

UCC issues stamps for Millennium

THE MILLENNIUM OF CHRISTIANITY: A look at abuses of history
by Andrew Sorokowski

Harvest of hatred

by Myron B. Kuropas
Village Voice strikes again


A reaction to Lubachivsky
A comment about Malarek speech


A call to action

Plishka profiled on 20th anniversary

Hnizdovsky works featured in calendar

Boston parish choir is heard on classical music program
by the Rt. Rev. Andriy Partykevich

Ukrainian Village's ethnic diversity is celebrated in multicultural mural

Millennium of Christianity noted on prints circulating in Ukraine

Barvinok troupe from Brazil to tour North America

Detroit center offers scholarships

UNWLA stipends are available

Ukrainians in Oregon: after 60 years, a Catholic church is established
by Agnes Palanuk

Ukrainian discoverer of supernova named to Maclean's Honor Roll
by Orysia Paszczak Tracz

Ukrainian woman is among 150 honored in Michigan
by Stephen M. Wichar Sr.

Manor offers folk art classes

The Ukrainian Museum slates crafts courses

January 31 - February 14

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, January 31, 1988, No. 5, Vol. LVI

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