Sunday, September 24, 1989

150,000 Catholics march in Lviv; Lubachivsky looks to legalization

11 hunger strikers arrested in Moscow

Shcherbytsky ousted from Politburo

Lincoln Center concert celebrates UNA and Dumka jubilees
by Roma Hadzewycz

Message from President Bush

Dispute in Ukraine over draft law on elections to the parliament
by Kathleen Mihalisko

Party authorities in Ukraine stage anti-Rukh demonstrations

Bush administration, business groups voice opposition to Slepak principles
by John A. Kun
UNA Washington Office

Bishops' Synod convenes October 8

Losten appeals on behalf of outlawed Church

Yeltsin on tour: the maverick deputy's message
by Ulana Baluch-Mazurkevich

Demjanjuk appeal postponed to May

Canadian businessman, government officials to attend Kiev conference on joint ventures

Nostra culpa

Shcherbytsky gets the boot

Turning the pages back...
September 20, 1929

History and the search for truth
by Wolodymyr Zyla

Appeal to the Ukrainian community from the Shevchenko Jubilee Committee

For the record
Documents of the Rukh congress

Appeal to non-Ukrainians
Appeal to workers, farmers

AN EYEWITNESS ACCOUNT: Triumphant founding congress of the Popular Movement of Ukraine for Perebudova
by Jaroslaw Koshiw
Special to The Ukrainian Weekly

Cleveland's Ukrainian Museum-Archives: preserving history and culture
by Marta Kolomayets

September 24 - October 12

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, September 24, 1989, No. 39, Vol. LVII

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