Sunday, December 3, 1989

Canada to open Kiev Consulate
Prime minister visits Ukraine's capital

200,000 in Lviv profess faith as Gorbachev-pope meeting nears

Catholicism in Ukraine on eve of Gorby's meeting with pope
by Kathleen Mihalisko

PHOTO FOLLOW-UP: The mass graves of Demianiv Laz

Ukraine's environmentalists discuss formation of Green political party
by Myroslav Ilyniak

Ukrainian studies society formed in Ukraine

Shevchenko society renewed in Lviv

Site chosen for Lviv's Shevchenko monument

France to open Kiev Consulate

Philadelphians scramble to host Ukrainian activities
by Olena Stercho Hendler

Charitable fund to help children, others in Ukraine

Famine inquiry completes sessions

Horbal, Rudenko confer with Jewish leaders

New ROC official expresses willingness for dialogue

Canada's consulate

Turning the pages back...
December 3, 1722

A rare voice: Bohdan Boychuk's poetry in English translation
by Wolodymyr T. Zyla

Number of independent publications in Ukraine grows

Paul Plishka triumphs in his debut performance in Kiev

Modern-day bards reflect on humor, heritage and spirituality
by Marta Kolomayets

New Ukrainian church rises in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
by Ulana Plawuszczak

Scholarly lectures cover economic, political developments in Ukraine

Jacyk Center in Alberta focuses on historical research

Tourists' reunion concentrates on dramatic changes in Ukraine
by Helen Smindak

December 3 - December 17

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 3, 1989, No. 49, Vol. LVII

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